Forbidden Pleasures

Paths not meant to be trodden

roads never meant to be taken

trails not open to any one

still we can’t resist partaking.

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Mountains not meant to be scaled

waterfalls off limits

but who can resist an adventure

wander lusting and wishing.


Views too close to be seen

often teetering on a ledge

signs warning to keep clear

from danger on the edge.

Warning signs for blog

She knew to stay away

there was so much indecision

but once touched she was gone

the pleasure became an addiction.

Sometimes the most desired things

are those that are hidden

but how can something so delicious

be wickedly forbidden?

Indulgences. Adventures. We all crave them, we all succumb to them.

Whether its scaling a gate and walking through a Do not Pass sign and down an unmade track that leads to a gorgeous waterfall that we might otherwise have missed. Yes, that was me!

Whether it’s indulging in sinful cake, our choice of ale or maybe something more extravagant and naughty. Or that second or third piece of sinfully dark chocolate … yes, guilty me again.

Have you been naughty or nice this year? If you’re like me, you’ve been both. So let’s embrace it!  Whatever our indulgence, how can we resist?

Let’s enjoy a bit of  fun and not be afraid to take a risk or two. Enjoy those treats and pleasures in life, in moderation perhaps, but still enjoy them.  

After all, life is meant to be lived. And we only live once.

In response to Forbidden: Pic and a word Challenge #68

86 thoughts on “Forbidden Pleasures

  1. I love this poem so much! Beautiful lines, Beautiful rhythm and a beautiful undertone! It can be linked to the expression of passion, to do what one loves to do! I loved how nicely you posted the picture of latte with the last stanza! You directed the reader to think along a particular line of thought and I found that really interesting! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this Miriam, I used to be so hard on myself. I am beginning to love the naughty me just as much as the nice me 😉 it’s great to walk off the beaten track sometimes. It’s often in those forbidden places that we discover our truest self, that we embrace our light and our shade. Beautiful words and imagery as always! Thank you for sharing xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thought provoking Miriam, thank you. For me, it’s getting the balance right between indulgence and addiction. Indulgence can, I agree, be fun, a bit naughty, risky, adventurous. But it can also lead to addiction, with all the unhealthy distractions. Navigating this tightrope has its own risks. I wish you a great year ahead!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, I agree with you Denzil. It’s a fine balance between giving in to our indulgences but hey, that’s what makes life fun. Thanks for your great comment. Hope the year ahead is an awesome one for you too.

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  4. My daughter’s comment as we left for the mall wearing our ugly Christmas sweaters on Monday was, “You only live once.” She’s so right. We had such fun, jostling elbows with other shoppers and giggling over the stares. I think the “Freak Waves” on your sign up there would keep me away, for at least a couple seconds…. 😉 Thanks for another lovely reminder to enjoy life. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Did you just say wanderlust?? It’s like we’re on the exact same wavelength. It’s what I have DAILY. I just posted about it and I’m gonna walk my dogs and daydream for an hour nonstop about it lol. Great writing, Miriam!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Another winner! I love reading your lines, Miriam. There’s so much meaning and they tell a tale of a life filled with so many experiences. I can learn a lot from you. This year, we’ve indulged in food and walking. Done a lot of that. Hoping for some travel in the next year! Have a happy Christmas and may your weekend be nothing short of perfect! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Cheryl. I think we all learn from each other, I’ve certainly lived but there’s still so much I want to do. Here’s to friendship and new adventures in the new year. Have a lovely Christmas Cheryl. xo

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  7. Beautiful Miriam! I am so glad I’ve gotten to know you this year online. Your beautiful blog has truly touched me. Thank you so much for your gift of wisdom and words. Wishing you the best in 2017 and I look forward to following you along! 🙂 Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aw, thanks so much Nicole. I feel the same way, it’s been wonderful getting to know you too. Your beautiful blog with all of its stunning photos and words never fails to inspire me. Merry Christmas to you and your family and here’s to a wonderful year ahead in 2017. Cheers 🎄❤️

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