Contrasts of Australia

Australia is vast and even though I’ve lived here all my life and traveled widely there’s still so much I’ve yet to see.

At the top of my bucket list is the Red Centre, the route right up the heart of Australia.

With a bit of luck and a lot of planning we’ll be traveling up there in June/July next year, an epic drive from Melbourne heading towards Uluru, through the Red Centre and beyond.

We’ll undoubtedly cover stretches of wide open roads, barren red earth, pristine gorges and lush rainforests.

Such is the diversity of this county.

In the Flinders (800x533)

The Australian outback is a never ending canvas of contrasting colors blending earth and sky.

Last year we drove to the Flinders Ranges and Arkaroola, chalking up over 3000kms in our maiden trip with our new camper. The Red Centre will easily eclipse that.


We’ve visited the plains of Mungo, a place that fires the imagination and camped near Silverton and in the lush surrounds of Menindi.

I still remember the picture postcard colors, the vivid blue skies that looked painted against the ochre red soil we drove  on.

Distance 1 (800x600)

But it’s not just the outback we see contrasts in color.

It’s in our hills and forests, places like Mount Macedon with its flaming red trees in Autunn against lush green.


It’s the vibrant colors on our pristine beaches. Sometimes gray, sometimes blue, always enticing.


Where rainbow speckled moss on rocks contrasts with ocean and sky colors, depending on Mother Nature’s mood.


Vivid red boulders are a splash of color against the white sand of the Prom. And in the smallest of details we see contrasts of colors.


But it’s often the little things that have the biggest impact.

Simple smiles of nature can make a grey ordinary scene a magical one.


Every where we look there are differences in our world. It’s what makes life interesting.

How dull would it be if everything – and everyone – was the same?

Merlin and Wilbur (800x533)

This is Merlin in front, our cheeky Quarter Horse cross Andalusian with his buddy Wilbur at the back, a dappled Grey. Different yet the  best of friends.

May we all embrace our differences and contrasts, where ever we find them.

Wishing everyone a creative and colorful week ahead.

In response to Frank’s Tuesday Photo Challenge: Color Contrast




109 thoughts on “Contrasts of Australia

  1. Miriam, thank you for sharing so much of your amazing country – the variety an outstanding colourful / visual feast. My husband travelled around Australia many years ago, including taking in the Red Centre as you call it. Still the stories keep coming and it truly was a trip of a lifetime. Enjoy your adventure next Spring (your autumn?). Love the last photo of Merlin & Wilbur, they look ready to have a chat!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They do look ready for a chat, you’re right! Thanks for your nice words Annika, it sounds as though your husband got a good taste of Australia. I must admit, I’m so looking forward to it! Have a great week.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Rob. To be quite honest I’m not really sure what those red trees are, but they’re stunning aren’t they? (I’m not much of a green thumb! 😏)


  2. What a good analogy…the differences in the landscape that make Australia so interesting and beautiful are just the same as the difference in people, and that’s also interesting and beautiful. Great post, Miriam! Someday I hope to visit Australia, and I have to admit that before I started following your blog, it wasn’t on my list of places I wanted to visit. But your blog has changed all that. Have a wonderful week, my friend!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What a wonderful thing to say Ann. I’m so glad that you feel you discovered Australia through my blog. If you were ever to come over here my home would be wide open to you! You have a great week as well.

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  3. Having had the good luck of being able to travel this land, Canada, from one shore to the other, I never fail to be impressed by the differences/diversity that exists. It has proved to be an eye opener adventure, so much so that Maggie and I are moving from Ontario to Vancouver Island next summer. The adventure continues. Enjoy yours. Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is amazing Miriam, thank you for sharing 🙂 Australia is beautiful and yet so much is unseen by the average person. Here in South Africa, most South Africans have not even seen a fraction of their country, myself included, and it is very sad. Love the pic of Merlin and Wilbur 🙂 a perfect pic to end this amazing post. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Lynne. It’s the same here, although I think more and more people are now starting to realise how easy it is to discover and explore their own backyards! Have a wonderful week. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely photos Miriam the beach shots are my favourites. Just reading your comments it is lovely the way you engage with all your fellow bloggers. I can’t wait to the holidays we are doing a bit of touring. Just some time with my FIFO husband and a break from the airport routines will be nice.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Driving home to Adelaide, staying at a hotel on the beach. Up to Threadbo to do the day walk to Kosciuszko, a few days there a few on the NSW coast and then back to Canberra for a week of walking and cycling around the environs. Not totally booked we will play it a bit by ear.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. OMG, really! Well, maybe we’ll meet you out on the tracks sometime. We’re thinking of heading up towards Kosciusko and back along the NSW coast as well. Like you, playing it a bit by ear.


        2. That would be funny if we bunped into each other. Sam’s idea to do the biggest peak on each continent. Thought we could tick that one off. We’ll be up near Kosci after New Years. I ll give you some dates when I know. In any case coffee once the year gets started after the hols….

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Sounds very nice. Won’t be long before you’re hitting the tracks again, in top form, especially with that trainer husband of yours …


      1. Seriously! If I picked up a travel book/ magazine on Australia, THIS is want I’d love to see. Reading it and seeing the gorgeous photographs that sum up your regions, would make me dig my suitcase out of the closet.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. A lovely post, both for the sentiment and the photos, Miriam. I must say, even though I lived in Australia for 17 years, I didn’t see much of it at all. It’s such a vast continent and, as you say, contains such a variety of landscapes. I do remember flying somewhere once and we passed over Uluru, and the pilot came on to let us know, then circled the plane around so everyone could see it, which I thought was very nice of him. I remember opening my window blind and there just being a vast red glow below – it was sunrise, and the whole desert was lit up. It was amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, what brilliant timing, flying over Uluru at sunrise … perfect! You lived here for 17 years! I didn’t realise that long. Don’t worry, some people live here a life time and never see outside of their own state, which I think is kind of sad, but to each their own. Thanks Helen.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It was perfect timing – we were super high up, of course, but it was a clear morning and I’ll never forget that glow. And I wish I’d seen more, but I guess when you’re working and going about the daily business of life, you just assume you’ll get the chance ‘one day’. I’ll be back for visits though, I’m sure 🙂

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  7. Amazing place to live. I felt this way about Alaska and even New Hampshire. Texas, (The parts I’ve seen) doesn’t have the same appeal. What it does have though…is wide open spaces and a sky that wont quit. I look up A LOT here. 😉


  8. Wow! All the pictures are just pleasures to my eyes. You have such a beautiful country Miriam! Your post also convey a very good message- that we are all beautiful in our different ways, and that we should learn to respect each other no matter how different we are from each other!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Miriam, I love this. I’m especially touched by your comment how the littlest things can have the biggest impact.
    Love the moss on rocks photos too … gives an added dimension to color, doesn’t it?
    Much love, and blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Your country seems as vast and varied as mine! The beauty is breathtaking, and sometimes I feel like I can’t contain how amazing it all is. It’s like you just want to throw your arms to the sky and spin around drinking it all in. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I guess it’s kind of like a hug, isn’t it? A giant hug for all the beauty in the world and the One who created it, and friends on the other side of the world who are able to feel hugs like that. 😀 *hugs*

        Liked by 1 person

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