Headaches, Bills and Random Conversations

I’ve had some interesting conversations recently.  Yesterday, after a blinding and explosive episode with my vision, I was driven to the doctor by my daughter who was fortunately home from school. Turns out it was a cluster migraine, and nothing too sinister but I nearly blacked out. And I must admit it was scary.

minions mind fog

The thing that amazed me while I was in the waiting room was the woman beside me who, out of the blue, struck up a conversation with me. Turns out she was a nurse and she seemed to know exactly what I was going through, in every respect.  We chatted for what seemed like ages. We just clicked. When the doctor called me in I didn’t want to go.  I just wanted to keep talking to her. Invite her for a coffee!

As it turned out the doctor (not my usual one) was useless. I wanted to run back and find my new friend.  But she was gone. I’ll probably never see her again but she triggered a few questions that got me thinking.

Then today I rang up to query our car and camper van insurance. We have a few policies with the same company and they’re all due soon so I was ringing to see about possible extensions and/or reductions that could be made.

We have a mountain of bills right now but I’ve adopted a new attitude.  Every time I pay one I give thanks. And try and stay grateful for what I have. And what we’re able to do in life.

Driving near Mitta Mitta (800x600)

We’re blessed to be able to travel. Maybe not all the time but fairly regularly.

Anyway the woman I spoke to about our insurance told me she works from home and before I knew it she’s telling me how the company is putting on staff and how great the work/life balance was.  She told me her company had recently advertised vacancies online. As I’m currently looking for casual part time work it was a totally unexpected conversation to have, even if nothing comes of it.

Isn’t it strange how people can pop into our life, even just briefly, and make an impact. How the most random conversations can change our thinking. I can’t explain it but I feel as though the Universe is trying to propel me forward.

Today has been a strange day and my mood feels a bit melancholic. This morning it was cold and rainy, this afternoon the sky was a brilliant blue. I had breakfast with hubby before he flew to the other end of the country for work and so tonight, and the next week, the house will be quiet again.

Remarkable Rock cave at KI (800x600)

But I’ll use the time to work on things.  Myself. My writing and to plan for his birthday which is coming up soon. And maybe a future camping trip.

The good stuff and the not-so-good stuff … migraines, bills, the hard times and the stress, the mundane things that can bog us down … I’m convinced it’s there to make us stronger.

Whether good or not, whether it’s painful or annoying, I believe that everything that comes our way is for a reason. And keeps us moving forward.

I’m so grateful for all that I have in my life. And all that lies before me, as unknown as it all is.  Peace of mind and a purposeful life, that’s what I wish for and I wish the same for you.


Stay safe and be at peace and may we all live with a mindful and grateful heart.

For Nurturing Thursday.


99 thoughts on “Headaches, Bills and Random Conversations

  1. Oh, I feel for you! Hubby gets octal migraines occasionally, triggered by bright light usually. Then he loses his vision before developing the headache. I gather it’s terribly painful. I hope life settles down for you and perhaps that part time job at home will work out! Sending lots of love and hugs xoxo

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  2. You have such a great attitude about the bills! I hope your dr has something good for your migraine. Those are no fun.
    We’ve had to restructure our bills too. I’m so ready to have my income back. But, like you I’ve been giving thanks that we have enough, and that the income is coming.
    Hope you feel better quick! Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for sharing this Miriam! I know how terrible migraines can be and I do hope you’re feeling better now. And it really is amazing how the people we need the most seem to pop into our lives in unexpected ways. Little sprinkles of angels in our lives 🙂 Good luck planning the birthday and take care of yourself…

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I agree sometimes it actually happens as if the Universe is working for us in some way. The feeling is strange.

    and The Migraines! So sorry for your pain but you are one brave woman, I know.

    You stay healthy Miriam. Hugs.


  5. A conversation with people we meet on our way can make for a great experience, but we have to be open and willing to open up for the moment, as you did. As you seem to do for life itself. I wish you good luck with those bills and may you quickly get better from the migraine.

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  6. Lovely Miriam i have nominated you for the recognition bloggers award 🙂 heres the linkhttps://thegirlthatdreamsawake.wordpress.com/2016/07/21/blogger-recognition-award/

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  7. Firstly, I truly hope that cluster migrane has gone, and that you are feeling tons better. Lovely post Miriam, and I do believe people come into our lives for a reason, even if briefly. Enjoy the rest of your day. x

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I have this migraine thing too and I know how hard it is when it strikes. It makes it worst for me when its so dusty..right now I occasionally had headaches..I guess its how we handle stress.
    Hope you feel better soon Miriam.
    The bills are real and so is our life..I love the fact that you have a positive attitude about these things.
    Don’t worry, everyone can relate 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hope your feeling better today, there is nothing worse than migrains, horrible things, glad things are coming your way, you know that the universe always works with you when you act, which is what you do everyday, gratitude is a wonderful thing, have a good weekend x

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank You! Reinforces what I’m trying to do around being grateful for things that happen. Definitely with you that it’s there to make us stronger and better equipped. Redundancy last year hit me hard but I’m looking at it that I would never have left the job (which I didn’t enjoy) so it’s given me the chance to experience other things and take time to find out what I really want. Just hope I can come up with the answers before the mortgage money runs out!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, good luck with that. Life throws us curves doesn’t it, but things usually have a way of working out for the best, especially with the right attitude. All the best with whatever comes your way. xo


  11. Migraines are ghastly. I don’t suffer myself, but I have friends who do and I feel for them when they’re not well. I reckon you will meet your precious new friend again. If you clicked like that, it’s meant to be and I hope you come across her again soon. And I hope that job opportunity works out too. It sounds perfect – no commute and a free coffee whenever you feel like it, all while you work in comfort. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Carol, your comment made me smile! Who knows if I’ll see her again and whether anything will come of it on the job front but I guess all I can do is put myself out there … and if it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. Have a great weekend. xo

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    1. Yeah, similar. But mine was like something shattered in my head. Like triangular shards of glass right across my vision, then a total blackout. Not a good thing for a truckie to have … hope you don’t get them too often.

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  12. I think people come into our lives for a reason, who knows you might see her again in the future. I keep thinking about getting some part time work but then wonder if it worth it by the time you put kids in daycare etc. I hope you are feeling better x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Anne, just very tired today but otherwise fine. And yeah I know what you mean about daycare and costs etc. Shame you didn’t win the trip!! xo


  13. Aw, the ying and yang of life. One day you are top dog, the next day, the fire hydrant! Relieved to know that you are OK. Sometimes it feels like we have to scratch and claw just to make it to the next crisis. Family, friends and a positive approach to life still wins out every time. You have a strong support team. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aw, such a nice comment Dan, thank you. And you’re quite right, it’s all part of life, the ups and downs, ying and yang. It’s all about maintaining balance I guess. Have a great weekend.


  14. That must have been a really scary experience Miriam! I have experienced passing out at a mall and it was crazy! I could relate to your experience about meeting unexpected people who somehow seem to help in the most extraordinary timing. Sometimes, I would like to believe they are Angels in disguise ☺
    Anyways, I also nominated you for the MakeItUltra™ Blogger Award for quality content, originality and presentation. If you choose to accept please visit this link for details.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Angels in disguise”… I love that Nina. Thanks for your lovely comment and for nominating me for the MakeItUltra Blogger Award, much appreciated (though it may take me a while to actually post it).

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  15. …and advance happy bday to hubby! It’ll be my birthday a few days from now too…perhaps we have the same birthday hehe! I wish him safe travel…and stay safe too! ☺

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  16. I hope you’re feeling much better, Miriam. My sister used to have migraine attacks and I know it can get quite bad. For that matter, any trip to the doctor can be a nightmare. 😦 I’m glad it’s not serious. I’ve had many interesting conversations with people, mostly on trips, while travelling. And I’ve always wanted to keep in touch and strangely never been able to. All the best with the job. I’m sure things will work out. I think the weather can truly affect moods. I hate gloomy rainy days, unless I’m surrounded by nature. Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Cheryl. Don’t think anything will happen on that particular job front but I’ll be keeping my eyes open anyway. As for the weather it’s meant to be wet, cold and hail this weekend so I’ll be staying indoors. Stay well and have a great weekend. Hugs back xo 🙂

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  17. I’m so sorry about your migraines! I know those can be just devastating. But I really admire your attitude…maybe the doctor didn’t help, but talking to your new friend in the waiting room did. And it may even lead to a new job opportunity! You are right, even the bad stuff in our lives can open new doors if we are just keep an open mind. You are a special person, Miriam, and you deserve the best!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Oh no! Cluster headaches! I’ve heard how devastating they can be! *hugs* How scary that must have been for you, and I’m soooo happy it wasn’t more serious and that you were able to get help right away.

    Bonus sprinkles on the new friend!

    How neat would that be if you were able to pick up that part-time job, too?! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out for you in the best way possible.

    I think you’re right about those annoyances and bumps in the road. They do make us stronger. They can help us learn “navigation” skills as we travel through life, too.

    I’ll be praying for you sweetheart. No more headaches, okay? *hugs* ❤

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    1. Thanks Ness, no more headaches today fortunately, only a super bad sleep last night. Had a nightmare that I was trying to get out of the bus of a bus and I actually fell out of bed and hit my head on the wardrobe. 😦 Can you believe it! I haven’t done that since I was a kid. Crazy woman hey? 🙂
      Thanks for your kind words and wishes my friend. Hope life is well in your neck of the woods. xo Hugs

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        1. Yes, it was definitely a strange nightmare. Probably symbolic of my life lately but I’m sure things will turn around. You’re probably asleep as I’m writing this, hope it’s a peaceful one. xo Hugs back.

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        2. It’s fascinating to me how our dreams can work through so many of our waking life issues. I used to read a lot about dream interpretation and things of that nature. I’ve had some doozies myself.

          I hope things are improving for you. I’m keeping you in my prayers. *hugs* ❤

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        3. Thanks Vanessa. I was like you and used to have heaps of books on dream interpretation, I even kept a dream diary for about six months. Lately I’ve been remembering more and more of my dreams, which I haven’t done for quite a while. There seems to be a common thread which I’m picking up on and which is pretty relevant to how I’m feeling in life these days. It’s definitely interesting. Hugs back. xo

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  19. People turn up when you need them and their input. I learned that over the years. And as much as you’d like to go back to them and keep talking, they disappear as well… funny, right? I don’t have migraines (but my husband does on occasion, just like you had…) but I know everything else you’ve mentioned in your post way too well. I agree, it’s about being thankful, taking on board what we are offered and keep going. I send a lot of energy your way. xoxo

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  20. I’ve had this happen to me a few times, someone popping into my life with words or ideas that send me forward on the path. Some have remained dear friends, others have come and gone, but I think of each and every one of them as a gift. I hope you’re feeling better now, migraines are awful! x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s a great way to look at it Helen, that everyone and everything that comes into our life is a gift. Feeling much better now, thanks. Have a wonderful weekend. xo 🙂

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  21. Pingback: Friday Five!
  22. I can’t even imagine how a migraine feels. I’m sorry. I am amazed how a random person is in your day when you need it. How that random person may just have the answer you have been seeking without you even knowing that you were looking. If we are open then good things can come to us. I believe you get what you give. I am glad your new friend was there for you. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Hi Miriam, thanks for sharing with Nurturing Thursday, and wishing you good health going forward! I agree that there are helpful lessons to be found in every situation, even though we may not be expecting them.


  24. I’m sure the Universe gives us nudges in the right direction, placing strangers and conversations into our path. Hope your migraines have eased Miriam and good luck finding the right employment to suit your current schedule and commitments.

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  25. Great post…fantastic reminders. Love the giving thanks while paying bills. I will try that. Hope you’re feeling better. I know when I have a migraine it takes me several days to feel human again.

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  26. Oh my poor dear, such suffering with those migraines. I had no idea. But you were certainly visited by an angel when you needed her most. And who knows? Sounds like that insurance gig is wonderful fit for you. Good luck and love your positive look on life.

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    1. Don’t think the insurance gig is happening but thanks for your encouraging words anyway Emily. Other things are on the way … well I hope anyway! Gotta stay positive. xo

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  27. Miriam — I am currently working through the Ten Scrolls of Success by Og Mandino … your post for Nurturing Thursday reminds me of the 2nd one:

    ” I will greet this day with love in my heart. And how will I do it?
    Henceforth, will I look on all things with love. I will love the sun for it warms my bones, yet, I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit. I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars. I will welcome happiness for it opens my soul. I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due, yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge. “

    A friend of mine routinely sends off all of her mail, including bills with love and gratitude — like you did! 🙂

    Thank you for sharing the ups and the downs — with gratitude — becca

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Becca, that was the most beautiful comment, thank you so much for sharing those inspiring words and starting my day off in such a positive and enlightening way. Loved it. 🙂
      Hugs and warmest wishes to you for a wonderful week ahead. xo

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