Keeping an Open mind

I’ve realised lately that keeping an open mind is a bit like keeping an open book.  Just like a new book can open our mind to new realities, an open mind can make us see the world around us in an entirely different way.

When we have the right perspective and a positive frame of mind, our ordinary lives and experiences can become extraordinary.

And being open to new experiences makes us more receptive to joy.

Yackandandah June2012 428 (800x600)

It’s all about relishing the moment and loving life, whether it’s in the air or with our feet planted firmly on the ground.

An open mind (800x600)

And thinking creatively, like my son here, trying to work his way through this computer puzzle.   An inquisitive mind navigating open doors in the virtual world.

But real life is way more challenging than anything virtual.  And it can be hard when things don’t turn out the way we want.  And the answer seems far from our reach.

There’s usually a reason why, even if we initially don’t know what it is.

Open road and sky (800x600)

For me, when we’re traveling on the open road with big skies above us, the possibilities feel infinite.  It’s like there’s a world of light and brightness just waiting.

Sometimes we need to leave doors open (800x600)

Even though along the way there’s often muddy waters to get through.  But I’m learning to keep the door open to less than ideal situations and not to run from challenges …

Open bonnet (800x600)

Sometimes things just need to be opened up.  Examined, checked and, if necessary, fixed.

Opening the gate (800x600)

But eventually we get through, often with help along the way.  Opening doors to new possibilities just as I unlocked the gate as we drove into Memory Cove last year.

Open window (800x600)

Even Harry knows the benefits of keeping the window open.  Fresh air, great views and a new perspective.   It’s good to know the direction we’re heading in even if we’re not sure of the final destination.

Open fire (800x600)

It’s usually somewhere worthwhile.  And then we can sit back and appreciate the simple things, like an open fire to warm ourselves when we’re camping.

Or a loaf of freshly baked bread at home.  It doesn’t get much more simple than that.

Open Bread things are not always what they seem (800x600)

Except when it goes horribly wrong.   When we cut this loaf open it was hollow inside.  A total flop.  This was one of the few times our home cooked bread didn’t rise.  But hey, it’s bread, life goes on!  And so we get things into perspective.

Home open fire (800x600)

Here I am, sitting by our open fire in the backyard, keeping a positive and grateful outlook at the end of a long day.  That’s the perspective I try and hold onto.


Life is so precious and so fleeting.  Let’s embrace it with a grateful heart.  And keep an open mind and open eyes so we don’t miss all the opportunities for happiness around us.

This is in response to Hugh’s Weekly Photo Challenge – Week 29 – Open





85 thoughts on “Keeping an Open mind

  1. Totally enjoyed reading this. Beautiful and inspirational. Indeed life is so fleeting… the reason why we must enjoy every moment we spend in life and surround ourselves with positive thoughts. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Aw, Miriam, what a wonderful post. Just perfect. Taking life as it comes, it seems so difficult and surprisingly easy at the same time, isn’t it? We just have to let go 🙂 I love that quote too, I’ve posted it a few weeks before. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wow what a beautiful and inspiring post! I love the ocean shot! I always love looking at sky pictures because I always see something and in this one I see a body, it’s the third long cloud up from bottom in the center. I can see the head with a face and then the body extending to the left horizontally from it…it’s just floating there. The picture of you behind the campfire looks as if you are rising from the fire…very cool picture. I love all that you say and it’s a positive frame of mind to always keep and move forward with!! Even when things don’t go the way we hoped…like the bread…we just learn from the experience and try again. (that bread still looked yummy, hole and all) Looks like your camping trip was wonderful. 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, thanks so much Deb. I love the fact that you’ve looked so closely at my photos. I actually had to go back and look at the sky and cloud one again. Really appreciate your kind and thoughtful comment. xo


  5. Perfect, Miriam. So many openings in this post. Even Harry has got in on the act. The quote by Helen Keller is one of the best quotes I’ve read. It’s so true to many of us.
    Thank you so much for putting this post together in response to my photo challenge.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Wonderful insights! I always love the way that you tie your thoughts to your photographs and create a seamless, flowing piece. I like to remind myself that things are not disastrous, just “less than ideal,” but I needed this little bit of prompting. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Another lovely post, Miriam. I laughed out loud when I saw the loaf of hollow bread. I think I would have reached for the butter and smeared it over what was left…even home made “crust” is better than store bought. The post is a nice reminder of what is important. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I loved how you compared an open mind to an open book! So true…both open the door to so many new possibilities, so many new realities we never even knew existed. I’m going to have to think about this one for a while. Thanks for this post!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I have been trying to so hard to adjust my attitude. I find that the type of day I have has less to do with the actual events and more to do with my state of mind when I approach them. If I focus on my blessings (which are so numerous!) rather than my burdens, my entire day changes course. I used to think positive thinking was a bunch of “hooey,” but I am absolutely a believer now!

    Great post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and yes, me too! There’s definitely a lot of truth in the old adage of thinking positively and our state of mind influencing our day. Have a great week ahead. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  10. So true and something we all need to be aware of. This brings me back to my gratitude journal. It helps me stay open and mindful.

    I thought there was ice cream in that loaf of bread and wondered for a split second if it was so special dessert from your neck of the woods! 😉 ha!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. It’s a fantastic post Miriam. The way, you’ve explained the word ‘open’ by your conceptual photos and lovely narrations, is just amazing. Loved each and every photo of this post.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Lovely pics, as always!

    The bread, oh my heart did a little flop! lol The camping, the fireside, the sunrise, all so inviting and welcoming – yes, open.

    The quote by Helen Keller … she talks about seeing things, and it always gives me pause. She, in her blindness, often understood things so much better than us seeing people. It makes what she said that much more profound to me.

    Yes, this was a great post to be featured on “Hugh’s” – you deserved that! xoxox ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Such kind words, thanks Vanessa. Yes, Helen Keller was definitely an inspiration and saw quite obviously in her blindness the important lessons many of us often miss. Hugs to you my friend. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I love the photographs that go along your inspiring posts 🙂 It brings out the hope and positiveness even more. And, you are so right. Life is always going to be full of the good and the bad. We need to be open to every aspect. Life can be taken away anytime from us with a blink of an eye. Why waste it?

    Liked by 1 person

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