Marysville Magic

I hope I never lose my sense of wonder.

Or my desire to seek out beauty in the world.

Last weekend in Marysville I walked through Gallipoli Park in town with it’s beautiful sculptures and reflective garden.  But we discovered so much more to this area.  Less than 15 minutes from town the road turns into a track and winds, higher and higher …

Doug and the car (800x600)

Cloud painted the mountains a powdery white and the air was brisk.  We kept stopping the car along the way, the views were so surreal.

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I wondered how much we’d see at the top.  Whether the drive would be worth it.  It reminds me that in life our thoughts and worries often cloud our reality.

Walking trail (800x600)

How could I have doubted?   It was breath taking.  I love it when something exceeds my expectations.

Mountains from Keppell (800x600)

How often do we really take in what’s around us?  To look at everything with open eyes and an open heart.  Life’s too short not to be lived fully.  All around us was magic.

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Down below the world was at our feet.  Marysville was in the distance.  So were all my worries, at least for the moment.

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And isn’t that what matters?  The here and now and everything that surrounds us.

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I could have stayed on that mountain for ever but we had children to get home to and a waterfall walk still waiting  …  new paths I was keen to explore.

Steavensons Falls is 122 metres high and one of the tallest waterfalls in Victoria.  It’s flood lit at night. If we’d only had another day here we would have come back  …

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But I was content with our daylight walk.  I took photos but sometimes it’s more than just capturing memories, it’s simply enjoying the moment.

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Where ever we are, appreciating what’s around us.  Letting nature do her magic. Hearing the roar of the water and feeling it’s strength.

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Letting cares fall away as we stood at the top of the falls …  something we can do anywhere.  By being mindful and slowing down, breathing deeply and taking in the wonder of life, in all its roughness and calmness.

Steavenson Falls (600x800)

In all the rocky patches I’m navigating and the emotional turmoil I’m wading through, I take heart in the fact that there’s always a way.  Just as the water flows down this rock face.  There’s always a way through, whatever life throws at us.


All we have to do is keep our eyes and heart open to the beauty that surrounds us.

Wishing you all calm waters, beautiful views and a wonderful week ahead.

This is my second instalment for Jo’s Monday Walk.


53 thoughts on “Marysville Magic

  1. I always love waterfall pictures. I’ve been searching my area to find something like this… rushing water, waterfalls… but I’ve been unable to find anything. I’m so jealous…. escaping somewhere like this sounds great right now…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Come with me, I’ll take you. Close your eyes and imagine yourself there, hearing the roar of the waterfall, getting sprayed by the water and laughing ourselves silly …

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I can’t help but think of all the times I’ve been highway-driving, have come across a scene that causes me to look twice, gave thought about stopping, but then have carried on by.

    Your photos at the overlook are incredible. And I think now that I must find my way out onto a similar ledge the next time I’m driving through mountains. My wife and I are on out way south to North Carolina soon. Our route will take us through the Blue Ridge mountains in Virginia. I think I might push a little harder than in the past to try and convince her a stop would be just the thing to kick off our vacation. We both could benefit from renewing our senses of wonder.

    Thanks, again, Miriam for letting us along of this most recent of your travels.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. It truly looks magical up on the tops, Miriam, and I love waterfalls. Thank you so much for your link. 🙂 It will be a privilege to include this on Monday. Hope you’re managing to keep the positive thoughts going through the week.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. There is something triggered from deep in our souls when we are among the mountains. Something unspoken, yet so tangible as to not be denied. A feeling of being close to the beginning, where it all started, back home. Majesty unparalleled.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Done! Now I know where I will take the kids for our next day trip! Stunning!!! And I couldn’t agree more with you. Breathtaking and we need to let it happen and truly sink in. There’s so much beauty out there!

    Liked by 1 person

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