Glorious days

It’s winter here in Australia and the days are shorter, the skies are darkening and the cold’s starting to seep into my bones.  Summer seems so far gone.  So in this post, and as Hugh declared this week’s photo theme to be Glorious I thought I’d reminisce about warmer days.  And put a bit of sunshine and warmth back into my life.

Early morning beach (800x600)

When we’re camping I’m always the first one up.  I love walking on the beach and welcoming in a new day amidst the awe inspiring sands and sounds of nature.

DSCN7876 (800x600) (2)

Being amidst nature and marveling at the grandeur of our forests takes my breath away.

Waterfall Paddys (800x600)

As does walking behind a glorious waterfall where there’s so much beauty to enjoy …

Pristine Memory Cove (800x600)

We’re blessed with hundreds of glorious pristine beaches.  Like this one at Memory Cove in South Australia with its pure white soft sand and an ocean beckoning … aah to go back.

Glass in the sun (800x600)

A refreshing drink by the lake at the end of the day … now that’s relaxing and glorious.

Reflections on Lake Menindee (800x600)

Night time colors at Lake Menindi blesses us with the most incredible reflections.

We’ve witnessed so many glorious sunsets over the ocean, kissing the day goodbye.

Arkaroola Sunset (800x600)

As the kiss deepens, day time disappears behind the rugged mountains at Arkaroola.

Wishing you all a glorious day, where ever you might be.

May light and love be part of your day.

Glorious sunset



112 thoughts on “Glorious days

        1. Fantastic. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time Hugh. Enjoy it all and I’ll look forward to hearing all about it via your photos and videos 🙂


  1. Because our climate is “polar” opposite, I will give you summer photos while you give me winter photos and then we’ll switch next season!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, these photos are so beautiful! I can’t even choose a favorite. What I want to know is… How did you manage to be on a beautiful beach alone?? Really early in the morning? I would love to have a beach like that all to myself!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s when we go camping along the coast. The others stay in bed while I take a stroll, usually a short one, to the beach. And then it’s mine. And I get to watch the sun rise. I love it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That sounds wonderful. But I am not an early riser. For that view… all alone… I might be able to force myself. Or just stay up the night before…all night. That’s the only way I’ve ever seen a sunrise — hadn’t gone to bed yet!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I am also an early morning person. Sometimes my habit does get affected, because of late night chores, but slowly I drift towards early rising practice only. That phase of dawn, which you have so beautifully described in words and aesthetically portrayed in photographs, is full of bliss and positivity. If I miss those hours, the day feels incomplete.:)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m not always an early morning riser. Tomorrow morning, for example, Saturday, I plan on having a lovely lie-in bed! But otherwise, yes, I love to watch the sun rise and the day begin. Have a great weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha! Nice! I often see your photos appearing like they were clicked early morning, so I had the perception you are a regular early morning riser. But anyways it’s true sometimes long slumbers are also needed! 🙂 Happy weekend to you too! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh wow! I forgot to mention in the previous post that your photographs are just so beautiful! I love sunrises and sunsets too. Anything to do with nature, actually. These are gorgeous 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I found you through the Kindness Challenge and I’m glad I did. Your photos are lovely. It’s hard to think of June as being wintertime but for you, it’s just nature. We’re having a 91-degree day here in Indiana, one of the hottest yet this spring/summer. I’ll be back to enjoy more of your photography and journey. Thanks for the inspiration you provide!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Your lovely photos create warm thoughts Miriam. Last weekend, with all the rain and wind, it was freezing here and I didn’t step out of the house all weekend. Then on Thursday, we had our warmest June day on record, with a maximum of 27 degrees. It was wonderful. Now we’re back to normal, with cool sunny days and chilly nights.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Wow you hit Glorious on the head and then some! I see why you miss summer…those photos are marvelous! I love that last one that you took with the sunset behind the mountains of Arkaroola, I actually said “Oh Wow” out loud. I also love the one where you must be lying on the ground looking up at the trees…awesome shot! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You take the most amazing pictures! What an eye you have!

    I’m sending you as much warmth as you can bear! We’re entering Summer and I’m am more than happy, MORE THAN HAPPY, to share that heat with you. 😀 It was 90F today.

    Those vertical shots – they are so stunning they take my breath away. Thank you for that bit of forest. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh Vanessa, thank you so much for your gorgeous comment. I love sharing pieces of my world and as for sharing the heat in your world YES PLEASE send me some. Last night we got back to our car parked at the train station after a night out in the city and it had frosted over! It was freezing!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Your world is so lovely! Don’t stop sharing it, I love seeing it!

        You can have all the heat, lol. I’m not a fan of Summer. I will take all your frosting! I love chilly nights and crisp mornings. 🙂


        1. Oh Ness, you should be with me right now then. Hubbs and I are camping, just an overnighter in the mountains. Our camper is cosy and warm inside but outside it’s VERY chilly. And we’re just about to have coffee. Come join us! 🙂 xo

          Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for this beautiful post, Miriam!! My husband and I used to go camping with our kids too, but then… I’m not sure why, I think we got lazy and we stopped doing it. I might think it over again after seeing these amazing photos and reading your words. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Stunning photos Miriam! How cold does it get in the winter? I always naively think Australia is so hot ! It gets so utterly cold here in the winter and lots of snow.


    1. Thanks Nicole. Our cold is not super cold, at least probably not in your standards. It gets below zero in celcius at night but averages around 10 degrees C during the day. Usually.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. What a lovely post 🙂 Love your shots Miriam and as usual the words which compliment your amazing shots.As I catch up with your musings, I realise how much I have been missing it 🙂 Sightseeing and exploring the Big Apple is snatching away a lot of my time lately :\ Slowly but surely I will catch up with my blog pals though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so good to have you back and reading. Thanks so much for your lovely words here. Life in the Big Apple must be so exciting for you Minaxi. What a wonderful time in your life … make the most of it. WP will always be here. 🙂 xo

      Liked by 1 person

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