Party time at the 139 Festival

Boy, do Argentinians know how to party!  Last Saturday my neighbors of 20 plus years threw a party to celebrate their combined birthdays:  two 50s, a 21st and an 18th all this year.  Add them all together and you get a 139 Festival to celebrate Milestone Birthdays.

Cake photo by Joel Rainford
A milestone cake.  Photo by Joel Rainford

Over the years we’ve been to a few parties at their home.  They probably figured it was safer to invite us than have complaints about their lively Latino music.  Hardly likely, I love their music!  The solid wood table that my husband made many years ago now sits on their decking and we’ve sat around it many times.

But last night there were too many people for their place.  The party was ten minutes away, in a local bush setting, a community hall decked out for a night of nights.

You could feel the vibes and the sense of fun and friendship as soon as you walked in.  It was grooving, colorful and loud, much like our neighbors themselves.


Here we are with Daniel, the host of the night, as always, warm and welcoming.

Outside dining by Daniel Saccero
Enjoying the ambience outside  Photo by Daniel Sacchero

The air was full of sizzling aromas of spices and delicious food. Argentinian-style chorizo barbequed amongst the gum trees, plenty of drink and lots of laughter.

Speeches by Joel Rainford
Heartfelt speeches   Photo by Joel Rainford

The speeches were bilingual, spoken in both English and Spanish, touching and moving.  Poems written for both son and daughter. Daniel you are a wordsmith. Followed by words of love and gratitude from their gorgeous kids.


The music was fitting for the night – up beat, colorful, quirky and lots of fun.

What a trio Photo Daniel Sacchero
The Tea Set, what a colorful and talented trio   Photo by Daniel Sacchero

And in true Argentinian style we moved and grooved and danced the night away.


Dancing by Joel Rainford
That’s me and Silvi front right dancing up a storm.  Photo by Joel Rainford
cutting the cake by Joel Rainford
Happy birthday, happy family.   Photo by Joel Rainford

Such beautiful people enjoying a a fun night.  It was an honor to share in their celebrations. Happy birthday and congratulations to Daniel, Silvi, Rebeca and Jaime.

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. 

I wish everyone love and laughter in the week ahead.  Amidst our ordinary every day routines, chores and responsibilities I hope you all have a chance to enjoy some simple pleasures in life with the ones you love.  And create some extraordinary memories.

Cheers to awesome music, dancing, happy times and good neighbors.

30 thoughts on “Party time at the 139 Festival

  1. So much fun, reading through it got my smile widening one detail to the other, i’m glad you enjoyed yourself through the fun night! Having known less about Argentina, this Intel has quite captured the interest in me on knowing more on the same. 🙂 Beautiful Piece of writing buddy! Belated HBD to them 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. That looks like quite a party! Judging by your smile you had a wonderful time. It must have been so much fun. Argentinian food is so delicious and the music makes you want to move. Your relationship with your neighbours is so great. Thanks for sharing this. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No worries Lindsay, a change of pace for me from my usual travel posts but it was such a great night I just wanted to share the fun. Hope you enjoyed your Gran’s birthday lunch. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

        1. How wonderful, I love hearing stories like that. 🙂 She sounds like an incredibly strong and resilient woman, what better excuse for a party. Great stuff!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Combined Birthdays…Interesting. Big dose of fun.
    My elder Bro ans younger sister share the same Birth date-11th feb and my niece and nephew are born on 10th and 14th feb. so we go for a combined birthday celebration instead of individual ones.
    The cake is so catchy. Are these Peaches on it?

    Liked by 3 people

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