Where the hell is Wandi Pub?

Wandiligong. It’s a mouthful isn’t it? So are the Parmas at the pub there, they’re a delicious mouthful.

Step inside this unassuming country pub in this cute little town and you feel like you’ve been wrapped up in your nana’s arms. It’s warm, cosy, homely and there’s no pretence.

If it’s winter the wood fire is guaranteed to be lit inside and depending on when you visit the fire might be going in the outside fire drum as well.

We were here on the first weekend in May, when the Autumn colours were still vibrant. It was part of a birthday weekend for our daughter Tash who’d recently turned 21.

Out in the beer garden it’s pure bliss

We stopped in to check the pub out and book a table for dinner that night … and ended up staying for hours.

The live music enticed us out the back to a beer garden that resembles more of a botanical garden.

The feeling of being hugged is almost palpable. Sunshine filters through soft leaves and branches of trees that are over 90 years old. They cascade down and shade the picnic tables whilst on the stage a folksy modern guitarist is crooning out some tunes. We’re lured towards the central fire pit and settle in with our drink and chips. Sitting round the warm fire chatting to locals we feel as though we’re amongst camping buddies.

We’re back that night and the food is amazing, the perfect mix between down-to-earth watering hole and inner city gastro-chic. There’s a slight Japanese flare to the menu but otherwise this is a local pub serving local food. And it’s some of the best we’ve had. My pork belly resembles an upper class San Choi Bow and my daughter’s chicken parma looks delicious. Little wonder they’ve won the award for best Parma in 2017, as well as the best Regional Pub in Victoria the same year. The craft beers on tap and local wines are pretty good too. It’s definitely a place to linger.

So, where the hell is Wandi? The tiny village of Wandiligong is in Victoria’s north east, about 320kms from Melbourne and about six minutes from Bright. I have fond memories of cycling from Bright to Wandi when I was younger.

The entire village is heritage listed. There’s history, walnut trees and poplars that line walking trails and pretty streets. It’s interspersed between mountains, roads that lead to amazing lookouts and plenty of scenic four wheel drive tracks.

This month I have a seven page feature story on Wandiligong and district in the July edition of 4×4 Australia Magazine. In my article there’s loads more info on what to do and see in this area.

It’s always a thrill to get a new story in print, particularly when it’s one of my favourite places!

It’s the ultimate research job, discovering new tracks and trails, writing about them and bringing them to life again on print. The great outdoors always provides inspiration.

To me that’s living the dream, sharing adventures and I feel very blessed.

So many roads still to travel and so many things I still want to do. It doesn’t matter which road we take there’s always something new waiting.

Decisions, decisions

Do we take the low road or do we take the high road? In my opinion, there’s rarely a wrong decision, just a different experience. And perspective.

In October the Wandi pub is hosting a mini music festival in its beer garden. I think by then it’ll be time for a revisit. And some more research!

Happy travels everyone. Here’s to making our stories an adventure and not being afraid to take the roads less travelled.

In light and love

“Whichever direction you head towards, make sure the dial is set to adventure”

79 thoughts on “Where the hell is Wandi Pub?

  1. How beautiful! I’m so excited for you Miriam! A 7 page article!🎉👍🏻🎈. Yea for you girl. Write and travel and be recognized, could there be anything better. Way to go.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Wow, no wonder your wanderings get published 😉 You are an amazing guide Miriam! And I am not kidding… Partly thanks to you, Chéri and I are planning to visit Australia next summer (your summer 😉 )

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Of course 🙂 I was already planning on getting in touch with you sometimes this fall (your spring) for tips and hopefully to make plans to meet over a cold drink 😉 We’ve been talking about traveling to Australia for a while now, but your posts, and pictures on Instagram have made it an urge 😛 I just know that we’ll absolutely love the experience… 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You sure will love it C. I’ve no doubt 😊 As for tips about Australia, I’m more than happy to help out any way I can. Nice to know I’ve already influenced you but if there’s anything in particular you’d like to know just holler! How exciting for you. And cheers to that drink. 😁

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Oh Wow!! Thank you for the link… I had seen lots of pictures of the island, but I didn’t know there was a falconry there… I love prey birds, and went to shows in France and Denmark!

          Kangaroo Island is definately on our list now 🙂 🙂 🙂 So many things to see and do!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Brilliant post, the pub looks so welcoming and definitely a great place to visit for a good night out. Not sure if the name of the town is just a spelling mistake though, sounds crazy! How great to get your stories in print too. So talented.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Louise. I’ve really focused on more of the article writing this year so it’s wonderful to get the results. How you’re well and enjoying a bit of a break these school holidays. xx


  4. Your two-page spread in the magazine looks fantastic!!! This beer garden looks like a great part of the trip, comfortable outdoor space and live music, too! I hope I get to Australia one day, but with everything you’ve shown me, it looks overwhelming.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Aixa, thanks so much. I love the two page cover spread too and they were just the title pages. There’s another five pages of my story and pics. Hope you get to Australia one day. You’d love it!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. It sounds like a lovely place to visit! And you’re right, some places to feel just so cozy that we’re instantly at home and loathe to leave. Thanks for sharing this post….and happy belated birthday to your daughter!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. The pub looks like a lay back place, perfect site for a relaxing weekend, Miriam. Thank you for showing the road and the scene on the magazine. Doing research on any sites you love to stay makes the visit more meaningful because you can tell stories of those places. Happy birthday to your daughter Tash!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey PC, I thought you’d like this one! A quiet week for me here but hopefully still a good one. Hope you enjoy yours too. Cheers. 😊


  7. Love your thoughts (and metaphor) on which road to take. Each one offers a new journey and a different perspective. Different paths offer new adventures. That is what makes life special.
    Miriam, it is always wonderful catching up with you. Your blog is always one that can turn my day around. It is serene, filled with beauty, and brilliant wisdom.
    Hope you and yours are all doing well.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by Drew. It’s wonderful to see you here and I always cherish your words and thoughts. Yes, I’m doing well and I hope you are too my friend. Take care xx 💙

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Deb. I love Wandi. And Its always a thrill to get an article in print, especially when it’s a seven pager like in this month’s issue. I feel very blessed. Stay warm this weekend. xx

      Liked by 1 person

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