Gifts from Blogging

Roses are red, violets are blue, today’s my birthday but the gifts are for you.

Make a wish 

I’m 53 years old young today. Hip, hip, hooray, where have the years gone?  I still feel 21. Yep, except my need for reading glasses, dodgy memory and aching bones tells me otherwise. Falling off a bike recently didn’t help either.

However, I’ve never felt more blessed and passionate about life than I do right now. I’m grateful for every single day and my heart, mind and eyes are wide open. To a degree, blogging has played a huge part in that.

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.” – Robert Browning

I started back in 2015, the February before I turned 50, the year before I lost my mum and my life changed forever.

As I write this (a few days before my birthday) I reflect on the gifts that blogging has brought me.

Perhaps you’ll relate to them as well. Gifts and messages for all of us:

“The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

I see things in a different light. One of my mantras since starting this blog is “seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary’. I truly believe when we see beauty in the simple things life can’t be anything but good.

Gratitude is the key. Every morning when I wake up I could sleep more give thanks for what I have. Even if the day before wasn’t brilliant I shift my focus to what I have and feel grateful for a new day.

Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.

You Only Live Once.  I know it’s cliched but it’s so true. Go after your dreams, take risks, take that holiday, do what stirs your heart and soul. I feel so passionate about this I started my own FB group (the link’s at the moment if anyone wants to join me.)

Everything feels enhanced. Through writing I gain clarity and in photography I gain awareness, through the subtleties of the world around me. The smallest details take on a new perspective and I love the way ‘ordinary’ can be transformed through a lens.

There’s messages in everything. I’ve learnt to roll with the punches, go with the flow, to let go of judgements and accept what is, even when I don’t fully understand. There’s always going to be challenges, crappy days and disappointments. However, we get to choose how we react.

Anything feels possible. I don’t just focus on what’s in front of me but what could be in front of me. I look for opportunities and see the possibilities and positives and, miraculously, when I do they somehow show up. What we focus on grows.

Every word and photo is a record of time. My posts on my blog and my travel articles that have been published in magazines, aren’t merely a destination piece but a tangible record of special times with my family. It’s a living journal and a legacy of sorts.

Sharing and travelling through others. Through WP I’ve travelled virtually to places that are still on my bucket list. I’ve laughed, cried, shared in success stories and been incredibly inspired. I love this community of kindred writers and artists.

My blog has lead me to my dreams. Through this blog I’ve forged my Outanabout column in a leading Australian travel magazine, I’ve made contacts and been offered assignments. Later this year I’ll be cycling hundreds of kilometres in a bike ride I wouldn’t have even contemplated a while ago. Who knows what’s next?

Rekindling a passion. I’ve rediscovered my love of music and felt confident enough to collaborate with Deb and Rob and share my singing and guitar playing, with more than just whoever’s sitting in my lounge room! And there’ll be more.

The greatest gift of all, friendship. I’ve met so many amazing people and formed a number of close friendships through my blog, both virtually and in real life. You know who you are. I feel as though my world has expanded tenfold.

Cheers to all of us, loving what we do and embracing who we are, regardless of our age. Life is beautiful and every day is precious.

I can’t imagine any greater gift.

Big collective hug to you all. Now it’s time to go and eat cake.

Enjoy today, laugh, live and love deeply and with no regrets and remember “you’re only as old as you feel.”

In love and light as we continue this awesome blogging journey

Live in the moment

Want to connect with me on Facebook.

Come join my group for like minded travelers
Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

209 thoughts on “Gifts from Blogging

  1. Yes, there have been many times when I’ve commented to Mr ET “Who would have thought blogging would have brought us to this moment”. The friendships and the visual record of what we have done are amazing. Best wishes Miriam, and may the next year be as wonderful as the past 53.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Miriam, I’m late for the party and fear all the cake will be gone but just had to pop by and wish you a belated Happy Birthday! 🍰 🎉🍹 Yeah, another September birthday … mine was at the beginning of the month and for the first time in years I had a big party at home with lots of family that took weeks of preparation! It was amazing in the end.

    I love your reflections of your blogging years, the experience and wisdom gleamed, the new opportunities that have arisen. You’re an inspiration and testament to the craft! It’s been a joy to have met you here and have such a good friend in Australia! Love & hugs xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Annika, it’s so lovely to hear from you. Thank you so very much for the birthday wishes, it’s never too late (though you’re right, the cake’s long gone lol). A belated birthday hug to you as well for yours at the start of the month. Sounds like you had a wonderful party, good for you. Hope all is well in your world. Lots of love and warmest wishes to you my friend xx 💕🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy Birthday, Miriam! And I love how you list all the gift blogging has given you. I think the gifts may be a little different for each of us (although some are exactly the same,) but those of us who have been blogging are certainly enriched by the experience. I know I certainly am… Who would have thought what blogging could do? Enjoy, Miriam!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow Just wow ! inspiring you are ..
    Happy happy birthday ❤ 🙂
    and the coincidence is we both are sep born ,, Yay yay !! I guess yours was on 27th and mine on 28th 😉 Just one day you are elder to me 😉 hehe.. This 53 and 23 seldom makes a difference because you are fabulous..
    Cheers ! Loads of love from this side 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so sweet, thank you! 😊
      My birthday was on the 25th so we’re just three days apart. But clearly we have a bit in common.
      Thanks again. Where is “this side” as a matter of interest? 😊💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah sure!
        I’m from India 😍 and you?
        Burrrahh only 3 days , well it won’t make a difference between friends hehe 😆
        May God be with you ❤ in all walks of life !
        Just stay happy yappiee and inspire people as always! 😇

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy Birthday Miriam! Thank you for giving voice to so many reasons I love this WP community, and the imperative to write.

    I marvel at how enlightened your life is, and how amazing is your attitude towards fully living!

    Wishing you an adventure- & reflection-filled year ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oops!
    Heartily apologies for missing out your big day, Miriam as I’m wishing you many happy returns of the day so much late 🙂
    And this gift from you is definitely very very special. All the things you have mentioned are spot on and I couldn’t agree more.
    Stay bless, have lots of fun and keep on smiling 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww, no need for apologies Hammad, it’s always lovely to hear from you. Thank you so much for your kind birthday wishes, I appreciate it very much. Keep smiling yourself xx 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Reblogged this on Blog of Hammad Rais and commented:
    To those who have no clue about what wonders blogging brings upon, this wonderfully amazing list of blogging benefits by Miriam Blaker certainly packs enough power to let them truly see and understand what they are actually missing.

    The world is full of amazing people and I found so many of them through blogging 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. So so beautiful….beautiful you!!! You are such an inspiration and truly a gift to us!! My wish is that one day we actually get to hug in person! It will happen. Cheers to lots of cakes, ice cream, dreams come true and new adventures around every corner…May this birthday year be the best yet! Love you lots…big birthday hugs xoxo ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww, it’s my greatest wish too Deb. I feel so close to you already but to give you a big warm in person hug would be the best. Yes, it will happen. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Love you too xx 💕🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. This morning I am kicking myself for falling behind in reading your blog. How could I have missed this amazing and timely post?! Gah. I am so glad I read this because lately, I have been wondering if I should carry on with my blog. But after reading your words, It seems that I have overlooked the gifts I have received from blogging. You reminded me of what they are, and for that, I am deeply grateful. So many incredible and inspiring people have come into my life through my blog. One is sleeping on my couch right now, and another one is you – who I hope to one day meet. WHAT WAS I THINKING MIRIAM?! I can’t quit!!! My world is beautiful and so bright, and I have the world at my fingertips. I would be nuts to walk away from that. You are a constant inspiration to me, and I am so happy for you and all of the success that has come your way. No one deserves it more than you. Thanks for being you and for writing this post. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Lots of love and a big ass hug from me!! xo​

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well Tanya, let me say firstly that YOUR comment was timely, so timely, you’ll never know. Maybe I need to go back and re-read my own post here because I’ve been feeling so lacklustre this past week with no inspiration and wondering if my blog really is such a big deal in my life after all and whether it makes a difference. But reading your words reminds of all the beautiful people out there I’ve connected with. I don’t have one sleeping on my couch like you and sometimes I feel like everything’s so distant but you’re right. Our world is beautiful and both of us, in different ways, have so much to be grateful for. Thank you for being you and for always coming in when I need it most. A big hug back to you gorgeous lady. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I just love this Miriam, and I love you. You are such a sincere, warm soul with an adventurous heart and you inspire me everyday! Keep smiling because your sparkle and spirit never grows old (ps. Love those quotes you included) Hope you enjoyed your cake! Love always, Hayley xx

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Happy Belated Birthday Miriam!!!! xoxo
    I can so relate to the many gifts of blogging. Beginning this journey was such an eye-opening experience and I’ve learned so much more about myself in the process.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m getting in early for next year! the 50s are great you will fly, the 60s are greater, the 70s? well it’s a time to go for broke and live your bucket list and keep looking for more to add to it, or create another list. Keep inspiring us Miriam. xo

    Liked by 1 person

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