It’s Play time

It’s time to release those strings that bind

free the limitations

let your inner child play

feel your senses come alive

and embrace all that you are.


I hadn’t played my guitar for ages. It stood neglected and broken stringed. Finally the other night, all fixed, I picked it up and played the first thing that came to mind, a song penned by good blog buddy Deb and one I posted on my 52nd birthday last year.

Despite some mistakes throughout it was fun to play around and re-record it again, livened up a tad for the “play” theme.

Much like my singing and playing, life’s not about being perfect. 

It’s not about doing what’s expected all the time.

It’s about not being scared to make mistakes, being able to laugh at ourselves and finding out what we love.

It’s about being vulnerable enough to step out of our comfort zone and try new things.

Life, and the world, is serious enough. We work, pay the bills, we hear of gloomy stories worldwide. We fulfil our responsibilities and in doing so we sometimes forget how to just be. We forget to be content with what we have and we forget that mostly we have enough.

We neglect that inner child that just wants to try new things, to muck up, be goofy and not be worried about how we look.

Chuckles and Harry know how to live in the moment

Dogs have an innate sense for play and I’m sure they don’t care how they appear.

So don’t ever worry about how you look and don’t let anyone, least of all yourself, tell you that you’re too old for play.

Decide what fun means to you and then schedule some of it into your life.

As Bernard Shaw said “we don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

Jump for joy. Yes seriously, try it.

How can anyone feel stressed when they jump?

Play a game when you’re walking and don’t step on the cracks. You don’t need kids to do this (though it helps!)

Infuse housework into play and crank up the music.

Create a “play drawer” and include in it anything for those playful whims. It might be colouring books for adults, jigsaw puzzles, cards, whatever takes your fancy.

Put on a wild completely different outfit, change your hair colour, sing out loud in the car.

Schedule a play date with your significant other and rekindle that spark.

Be spontaneous and do something you’re not supposed to do. What’s life without taking a risk or two?

Have a mischievous attitude, see double meanings and the funny side of ordinary things. Life will look so different when you do.

Life can look interesting upside down

Be creative, daydream and make laughter a part of your life.

Book that long awaited adventure. Don’t just dream it, do it!

Do something for the first time. At 52 I’m still finding plenty of things I want to do that I’ve never tried. Today I read a wonderfully inspiring post by Wendy that resonated with me. It’s never too late to try something for the first time.

So go crank up the music, call a friend who makes you laugh and infuse your day with positivity.

When you look at the world in a fun and playful way the world will smile back at you. At the very least it’ll make people wonder what you’re up to!

Have a wonderful, fabulous and frisky week ahead.

Wishing you light and love and lots of play time on the journey.

Sharing for Frank’s TPC: Play

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Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

138 thoughts on “It’s Play time

    1. Aww, thanks Sue for all of your lovely comments. I’m so behind in my reading as I’ve been stepping back a bit to try and create a bit of balance in my life. But I must admit I’m looking forward to catching up on your posts. Till then stay well and keep smiling. Big hugs xx 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Likewise I have been doing the same.. Today its raining, hence some internet time.. ❤ 🙂 ENJOY living, that is what life is all about.. And never worry about my blog.. I love to see you when you arrive… and not before… ALL is good in my world.. .. Keep playing and Singing my friend.. that is JOY…

        Liked by 1 person

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