Shine On

We’re all here to shine, sometimes we just forget to turn on the light.

As I was scrolling through all my emails the other day, one jumped out at me.

It was titled “This is your time to shine.”

Even though it was probably auto-generated to thousands of people the words hit me right in the solar plexus.

I felt the truth written there.

Now I want to pass the words on because I believe we can all use them.

My friend,
Deep within you lives a healing fire known as passion.
Allow this passion to cleanse all doubts you’ve ever had about yourself, your gifts, and abilities.
You can be, choose and do ANYTHING you desire to. This is your birthright.
The days of waiting on the sidelines are over. That’s why things have felt so uncomfortable for you. It’s because your inner fire wants to create, expand and play, and can no longer be held back.
The next step for you is to feel into what you’re passionate about, and give yourself full permission to align with the people, things and experiences that help this passion fully be realized.
Also, be willing to put the need to know ‘how’ all of this will happen aside, and focus on allowing the passion to guide you.
Everything else will take care of itself.
This is your time to transcend the limitations you or others had created for you. You don’t need the permission of anyone else!
Your light is just too bright and big to operate in that timeline anymore.
This is your time to be ALL of you

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. (Francis Bacon)

Don’t you feel the power of those words? I know I do. I feel it to my very core.

It makes me feel as though anything is possible, even on those days when the light seems extinguished and the darkness feels overwhelming.

This weekend, however, the light’s been shining bright. Here in my own little patch in Melbourne I’ve enjoyed a weekend catching up with all of my family and across the ocean in London the spotlight has been on the Royal Wedding and the ABBA (bloggers bash) awards in London.

Whilst my nominated blog didn’t take out any awards I still feel like a winner.

“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” – Marianne Williamson

I had some exciting news confirmed last week that I’ll be sharing in the next month or so. It’s the fulfilment of a writing dream that I’ve worked towards, the start of a new venture and I’m so excited.

It’s proof that, if you believe in your dreams and keep taking those baby steps, the baby will flourish. I know it’s just the beginning and there’s a long way to go, but this babe is starting to find her momentum.

In the meantime keep shining your own light.  Focus on all you want and never let anyone steal your zeal or dull your sparkle.

We were all born to shine.

In light and love

Sharing for Frank’s TPC: Shine

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110 thoughts on “Shine On

  1. Miriam, a wonderfully powerful and positive post this sunny Sunday morning! 😀I can feel your vibrant joy of life and creativity … the message is incredible and your words and images have given me a real boost and kick! Yes, let’s shine, acknowledge this is the time to ‘transcend the limitations’ – whenever they come from! Hugs 🤗❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congratulations on your exciting news, can’t wait to hear it. I keep feeling like I’m banging on brick walls at the moment but I think I need to step back, breathe and keep moving slowly. Have a great sparkly week. 🎈 🌟 😊

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  3. Congratulations on being nominated for the bloggers bash and you’re so right about everyone having their own time to shine. We all do. Looking forward to your big news.

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  4. AMEN!!!! Yes! Just today I have a new post up about making MY dream come true. I know all about that Light, that passion, and if I stifled ME I would shrivel up and dry up. I cannot wait to hear about YOUR exciting news …. New Beginnings!! And thank you for the powerful words you shared with us, Miriam. I felt them deep within my soul! I have just come from a very very very dark period of my life and to feel and see and BE the Light in a Higher Place then where I had been previously to this dark phase of my life, is glorious! Just so excited for you …. I sure know how YOU feel!!! (((HUGS)))! 💝💝💝

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    1. I can feel the passion and excitement in your words too Amy and it’s wonderful! I remember that you were in a dark place and I’m so glad you’ve emerged and are now claiming your dreams . Now, I’m off to read your post. Big hugs back xx ❤️

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    1. Hey PC, yes I’m really looking forward to this new project, that’s for sure. And I know this is greedy, but I’d love some of your warm weather too! I’m missing it already. Enjoy and have a great week. 🙂


  5. Hello lovely!
    What a beautiful post. You know I do resonate with the quote you shared. Thank you. It certainly has energy and momentum that’s palpable…🌈✨
    As for your blog, you know you are already a winner. The new direction in which you are finding yourself sounds amazing and I shall eagerly await your exciting news…
    Wishing you every joy and happiness my friend,
    Much love and hugs from me 💐💕

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    1. Thank you my dear friend. I’m not surprised in the slightest that you resonate with the quote I shared. Certainly exciting times are ahead (for both of us) and I’m embracing them with enthusiasm and gratitude. Big hugs to you Di and I hope you have a lovely week ahead. xx 💕🙂

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  6. I love that quote “And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” – Marianne Williamson. Shine on Miriam. ✌🏼☺️

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  7. Thank you Miriam for starting my week with some inspiration! My weekend was not that great although I did get runner up in the Bloggers Bash Awards which I was excited about. We are all winners though because we care enough to put our thoughts to paper. Can’t wait to hear your exciting news and have a beautiful week xx

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks Mark but gosh, where do I start? We’re still toying with the idea of doing the Three Capes track as it looks so spectacular but the price tag is putting me off.

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        2. Yes I have. It’s very beautiful. About ten years ago before it was user pay. But nowadays it has nice cabins to sleep in and much easier paths. Lots of stairs and steep hills. Beautiful views.

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  8. Perfect timing for me to read this, Miriam!! How did you know? Lol! I want to bookmark this post to read when I need some extra inspiration and motivation. Can’t wait to hear about your exciting news! xox

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  9. Ohhhhh Miri! I love this so much!! My solar plexus even smiled!! I’m thrilled that we are both on similar journeys. Dang, girl, remember when you were searching and searching during those days your mum was still with us? Now, bam, you’ve been working up to this. Not just the writing dream, but all this sparkly stuff. You are so beautiful, Miri. Your heart just glows. Your spirit is infectious. People are drawn to the beauty that lives in you. I’m happy for you in about a billion ways. Bet you’re getting some Heavenly winks as well! Your mum is free and you are flying! ❤️

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    1. Oh Jess, I do remember when I was searching, I’d been searching for a long time, even before mum got sick. But she gave me the ultimate gift. It was through her suffering that I started to find my voice, sad as that is to say (and I’m writing this with tears falling down my face). It’s true though and only now can I look back and see the paths that opened up to me, in so many ways. Thank you my sweet beautiful friend for reminding me. Love you xx ❤️


  10. Miriam, thank you so much for sharing that passage. It truly did resonate with me. I have been telling myself lately how much I wish I was living a more passionate life. I see my students (some) taking steps toward their dreams and while I cheer them on, I feel a little envious. I had a time in my life where I absolutely loved my life. It was perfect! I was pursuing my passions and loved every minute of it. Then things changed and I’ve never been able to get that back. I am going to trust that my time on the sidelines (which is a great way to describe it because that’s exactly what it has felt like) is over. Thank you again, and congratulations on your nomination. As cliché as it may sound, it truly is an honor to be nominated. And looking forward to your exciting news!

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    1. I’m glad that passage resonated with you Kim. And I really hope that you can find that passion again. Sometimes a bit of time on the side is what we need to make us realise what we’re lacking (if that makes sense). Go find what you love, it’s never too late. Thanks for your good wishes too. x

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  11. You are so right. We all have the light inside of us to shine brightly – we just need to turn it on. Your light in this post inspires the rest of us to let the sunshine out. And I look forward to your news about fulfilling your dream. Sounds exciting.

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  12. That was such an inspirational message. Thanks for sharing it. It’s interesting when we come across words that were meant for us, even if the sender didn’t mean it as intentionally (as in those auto-generated emails). I’m happy that you have some exciting news about your writing dream. Can’t wait to hear about it! 🙂

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  13. Funny about giving yourself permission…I was watching a video about…what else…how to manifest winning the lottery…I’m going to do it too…that’s where I’m going to shine. Anyway one of the things he was saying was…say these words…”I give myself permission to be wealthy”, “I give myself permission to love money”, “I give myself permission to be a jackpot lottery winner”. He also went on about if you find a penny don’t leave it there, pick it up and thank the Universe for it…and when the Universe sees how happy you are about the penny it will send you more and that will, in time, escalate!!! I watched the most fabulous Libra reading last night for June, I’ll send it too you…set time aside though it’s two hours long…but well worth the watch!!! Congratulations on manifesting your dream…it is just the beginning! Maybe another planting is in order?! Well I’ve finished my painting and have started another…what fun! Let’s all shine and make this world a big, bright, beautiful place to be!!! Big Shiny Hugs xo ❤ 🙂
    p.s. wouldn't you just love to be Ed Sheeran standing on that stage…what an amazing feeling that has to be. Let's conjure up that feeling…I believe you have my gorgeous friend,.

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    1. I think that’s been one of the biggest hurdles for me Deb and it’s one I’m still trying to overcome, the allowing of ourselves to be wealthy. It’s hard to change a lifelong mindset of money that’s been ingrained but that’s what I have to do. I love that you’re acknowledging the pennies and the abundance. That’s so great.
      I’m coming home from another night of camping with Doug, G and A. Talk soon. Big hugs xx ❤️🙂


  14. I am so pleased your Dreams are being realised Miriam.. And another wonderful read my friend, So true we would not know the light if we did not have the dark.. All things in life both good and bad are here for a purpose.. We would not know one without the other, that is the duality of this reality.. As we come to experience and learn..

    Wishing you well and Good luck in your writing.. ❤

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    1. That’s so very true Sue, you summed it all up so beautifully. We really do need both the good and the bad. Thank you so much for all the love, much appreciated. xx 🙂❤️

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