We Rise by Lifting Others

We rise by lifting others.” ~ Robert Ingersoll

It’s been a long week. Hubby has been interstate for work, I’ve been battling a persistent head cold and cough and the days have dragged. Our insurance claim is still floundering and our downstairs flood damaged room still doesn’t have carpet in it, YET I feel an overwhelming sense that everything is fine, and will work out.

There are so many others worse off than me, I realise how fortunate I am when I look around. I step outside and I’m wrapped in a blanket of nature.

The colors of Autumn are fading and letting go of their hold.

Every day squillions of colorful laurikeets nest and make a racket in the overhanging gum trees. There’s greenery and growth all around me.

Kangaroos roam nightly in the back paddock.

Rise and shine boys and girls

Last week, on my way home from walking Harry, I stopped to help a neighbour who’d found an injured possum on the side of the road.

Sometimes a helping hand extends to injured animals as well.

She was unsure of what to do so I gently lifted and wrapped up the poor little critter in my jacket. We called a wildlife carer.

It turned out he’d been hit by a car and had internal injuries. We heard later on that his injuries were too great and he didn’t make it.

After feeling like I’d done some good, it saddened me when I heard the news.

The day later I returned to Zumba after a long time away. It was just what I needed and I left with my energy replenished and my mood brighter.

However, that night I paid for it, when my head cold returned with a vengeance.

Rise and fall, just like the moves of a dance, our moods are so affected by circumstances in life.

However, when we take the focus off ourselves, life suddenly changes.

“We make a living by what we get. But we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill

We get so caught up in our own woes that we focus solely on ourselves and forget that everyone has their own battles.

Mid way into May let’s find time to rise up and:

  • lend a hand to someone in need
  • smile at a stranger, it costs nothing
  • pay a sincere compliment, it’s also free
  • share your skills so others can learn
  • listen without judgement
  • Restore our own energy by doing what we love.

Life is never stumble free, but we can all look out for each other. The ripple effect of kindness always reverberates.

Grab a hand and give someone a hoist up. Strive for greatness, not so you can tower over them but so they can reach where you are. If we want to succeed we can’t do it alone.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

If you’re going to rise, you might as well shine.

In light and love as we rise up to be the best we can be.

In response to Frank’s TPC: Rise

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Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

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