Guest Post from Di in London

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust

I’d like to introduce you to my next guest blogger and creative friend Di from Matters For the Heart, Some of you may already know her.

I first met Di in Melbourne over a year ago, and we clicked immediately, both of us at a similar stage in life and with a shared and deep connection for nature, photography and finding life meaning.

We maintained our friendship, both in person and on our blogs, before Di and her husband Tony left for new shores to begin the next chapter in their lives.

Settle in and enjoy Di’s story, the fourth of my guest bloggers in this series where I aim to bring the world closer together.

Hello there,

Our kind friend Miriam has kindly invited me to share a few thoughts pertaining to a relocation to the other side of the world.

A very quick background first…

My husband Tony and I are currently living in London, after spending our lives in Melbourne. It’s thanks to his career that the opportunity to move to London arose.

So we arrived mid-September, with the blessing of our adult children.

Living in London especially, but somewhere abroad, had always been high on our agenda. I’d be in high school writing about the ‘Mary Poppins’ kind of foggy London, and I never let go of this dream. Yes, I’ve always been a dreamer.

In the words of Madonna, I hope you enjoy my take on ‘seeing the world from a different vantage point’.

We need so much less than we think we do

I’ve discovered that we need so much less than we could ever imagine in the way of possessions. This is a picture of about two thirds of the things we packed to ship over. I saw this as a chance to run away from our accumulated clutter and start again, this time buying only what I felt I actually needed.

At this point, I’m still making do without a vegetable peeler. Why peel when you can scrub?

My mantra is ‘make do or do without’…

Love on Building
This picture is taken the day we arrived in London.

I looked up to see this… as if it were meant for us, saying, ‘you’re where you’re meant to be right now’. Dreams are beautiful, but when you make them a reality, the fear can set in and you question what you’ve done.

I think it’s natural to feel confused and a little fearful about this new direction. I felt like I was leaving the previous ‘me’ behind to discover a different version of myself. But we both knew the time had come to put ourselves out of the comfort of the very familiar, to grow as people and expand our view on life.

Tony went off to work the next morning while I hit the ground running.

I chose not to look behind.

Before we moved, I’d researched some places I wanted to discover, and had planned to start a new Instagram page to share my discoveries. It became clear that I also had to find a new way, a new purpose to my different life. It could so easily be overwhelming without a small plan or purpose. I believe it’s helped me settle in enormously.

I’ve since enrolled in courses, attended talks, and generally been very curious about the way of life here.

Tim the Gardener
Meeting strangers like Tim become moments of treasure

Please meet Tim. He tends to the gardens of my local park and was more than happy to stop for a chat and show me the result of his physical labour job. Moments like this become my most treasured of days.

Tony is at work Monday to Friday which leaves me to spend a fair bit of time alone. I think it’s essential to be able to become comfortable in your own company, and there can be much magic to discover there.

Alone, I find I smile more at strangers, take more notice of my surroundings, and will be open for a micro-moment of conversation, such as with Tim.

Di in the snow

We had the coldest winter in a few years here in the UK. I’ve learnt that I can withstand far colder temperatures than I’m used to. There is a reason and a beauty to every season and I wasn’t about to complain about the cold when I’d always wondered what it was like to live through snow and zero degrees. I decided to call it ‘invigorating’ instead of all the negative words for cold weather, as I think it gives you an advantage in dealing with it.

As my dear dad said, ‘you can’t appreciate warmth until you’ve been out in the cold’.

And I can tell you those quaint pubs with cosy fires and a glass of red make you realise the beauty of the season!

A picture of beautiful Clementines. (They may look like what we call mandarines in Australia)

I’ve learnt to seek out, and appreciate with wide eyes the delicate differences between countries and not to compare with the ‘home’ we left. I was planning on jumping straight into life as a Londoner as soon as possible. To live with your heart in two places at once would detract from this experience and as I know the time will fly, as it already has. I want to squeeze every ounce of the UK existence while I can.

My mantra here has been ‘Be where you are’.

I found a London radio station, watch the BBC news, subscribe to the emails of what’s happening in the city, bought flat shoes everyone wears for walking, and…cross the road without the green man; you haven’t truly lived in London until a bus has sounded his horn at you!

To finish off, I’m grateful. Very, very grateful every day, to call London Home. It’s been more than I could have dreamed of, even on the simplest of days.

In a way, they’re the days when it means the most to call this city, Home.

I can so far reveal for us all that dreams can be just as beautiful in reality as they are in our heart.

Thank you so much for reading, and thank you again Miriam for this amazing chance to share my story.

The picture below was ‘foggy’ London this morning…

Tower Bridge

Much love,


Thanks Di for sharing your story and for reminding us to never let go of our dreams.

She’s proof that if you follow your heart and take inspired action, dreams can become real.

You can find her on Instagram on her two accounts, one which focuses on London life:

and her more personal and creative posts on:

Stay tuned for another story from another travel lover with a new twist next month.

Stay happy, dream on and enjoy the journey.

Stay in touch and connect with me on Facebook.

Come check out my new group for like minded travelers
Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

129 thoughts on “Guest Post from Di in London

    1. Hello Brad,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read and reply to my post. I do appreciate your very kind comments. All the best,
      Di 💐

      Liked by 4 people

        1. Thank you Brad. And it’s hard to keep up. Ideally we could all be in touch regularly because everyone is so lovely. I guess we do what we can.
          Thank you again,
          Di 🌸

          Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Glenys,
      That’s such a lovely thing to say. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and adding your kind thoughts.
      All the best,
      Di 💐

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Mihran,
      That is such a beautiful comment. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and leave your kind thoughts…
      Take care,
      Di 💐

      Liked by 2 people

  1. SO glad to hear from Di as I have so wondered what she was up to, how she was coping! Don’t do instagram and miss her blog posts … so good to know that she has settled in.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hello Kate,
      Thank you so much for your very generous response to Miriam’s guest post. It was so kind of you to be so interested in my time here in London. Hope you are well…
      Thank you again,
      Warm regards from me 💐🙋🏻

      Liked by 4 people

        1. Thank you so much kind Kate. I sorry to be missing. Ideally I’d love to keep in touch with everyone. You are all so lovely. I’m touched you enjoyed my photos too. Take care 🙋🏻😘

          Liked by 4 people

        2. Oh Kate…that’s so sweet. It makes me want to return to blogging. Thank you so much.
          In a way, this is more for writing rather than Instagram anyway. I’m torn between photography and writing….
          I’m still hoping to return with perhaps a new slant on matters of the heart…
          Our connection has been established and I am grateful you welcomed this prodigal woman back so kindly 🙏🏼💕

          Liked by 3 people

  2. Fabulous post again Miriam. Aah London, the home of my birth and my roots. Di is certainly embracing it with all her heart, the only way to go. She will of course be enjoying weather and temperatures a little like the ones we are enjoying at the moment. As they transistion to summer and we transition to winter, the weather is kind to us all.

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Hello Barbara,
      Oh that’s so lovely of you to say. I do hope I honoured your home town in the way I expressed it here. It’s an amazing city and I adore being here. Yes, the weather is lovely at the moment with all the wildflowers and the parks resplendent in colourful blooms. I’m watching as the daffodils, tulips and Crocuses gradually make way for the Bluebells, next come the Cherry Blossoms and soon the roses. So much to love…
      Thank you again for such a kind response Barbara.
      Best wishes from Di 💐💐

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hello Di, I was there recently myself (March) so I experienced the tail end of ‘The beast’! However it didn’t spoil anything for me. I hadn’t been back since 2012 and I always love it so much. Didn’t get to London this time except for grand old Heathrow (I jest) spending most of my time in Lovely Lincolnshire. Your attitude on living in UK is what is going to make it wonderful for you. It’s the sort of place where, eyes in the back of your head, would come in handy, so much history so much to enjoy. Aah bluebells, how I miss you. Enjoy every minute. Barbara

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Hello Barbara,
          What a lovely message. Thank you so much.
          I’m happy you were able to make a visit back to England, if not London. So far all the ‘shire’s’ we have seen are utterly gorgeous. We are just about to leave to visit York for the May Day bank holiday.
          Cannot wait…
          It’s always lovely to rave about this adopted if not temporary home with someone who understands.
          And if you find yourself in London in the next year or so…you know what to do👏 I’d love to share a cuppa with you.
          As for the Bluebells…😍
          Thank you again Barbara,
          and take care 🙋🏻💐

          Liked by 2 people

  3. Ooooo I just love this Miriam, bringing us closer together through guest bloggers! …and I simply love that our Dearest Di has featured here – what an incredible insight to making dreams a reality and the blessing we can discover 🙏🏻💗🌸 xx

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hello dear Hayley, what a treat to read your beautiful response. Thank you so much and I will echo our friend Miriam’s words about meeting like minded beautiful bloggers. I’ll always remember our morning together and we could still be talking after all this time…
      Take care my dear and ‘see’ you soon 🙋🏻💐

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Oh how beautiful a memory Di, I was in that very same garden cafe today with my man and it’s always a treat to go back to the place I formed a beautiful connection with you and Miriam! Sending you warmth and love darling Di ❤ xx

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Oh that’s a lovely thing to say, dear Hayley. Thank you so much and I know it will be the same for me when I return. But hopefully we can continue to make new memories there with each other, and including a new little person in a high chair…
          Love and hugs from me 🙋🏻💕💕

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        2. Oooo what a wonderful thought! I know we all will experience these magical moments again, and yes! We will have a little wee soul in tow 🙏🏻🌈💙 wishing you a beautiful week ahead my friend xx

          Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Denzil, thank you so much for stopping by to read and to add your thoughtful comments. Hope you are well, just across the water from me?
      Take care,
      Di 💐

      Liked by 2 people

        1. That’s good to hear you are doing well, Denzil.
          Thank you for your kind encouragement about my next post. I’d love to be able to keep writing and one day I just may. As for your thoughts about Cockney Rhyming slang…well…! I’ve at least attempted to soften my vowels a little! It’s a start 👏
          Until another time hopefully,
          Take care,
          Di 💐

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Such a great post ladies. So glad to hear you have settled Di. I love your simple gratitude for life and the amazing surroundings of London. All the best and hope to catch up with you when you are next down under in Melbourne. Xx

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello Lorelle,
      Thank you for your lovely comments. They mean a lot. And yes, I hope to catch you and the girls at some point in one our dashes back to Melbourne…🙏🏼
      Thank you again,
      Take care,
      Di 💐

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello Bree, Muriel and Paula, I’m glad it gave you a giggle. Perhaps a knowing giggle seeing you are seeking adventure and travelling yourselves…
      Thank you for reading and for leaving your kind comments. I’m certainly making every day count while we are able to. Happy travels too 🙋🏻💐🌎

      Liked by 2 people

  5. It’s such a wonderful city to wander in! 🙂 🙂 Where are you based? As a starry eyed 18 year old I left home for the big city and spent many a happy day tootling along those riverbanks, gazing in awe at those monumental buildings. i hope you love it as I did. What a time to come- in such weather! I missed the worst of it as I was in my Algarve home, to which I’m moving later this year. All change for me soon, too. 🙂 How long are you staying? I wish you much joy in your new life, and thanks to Miriam for introducing us.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hello Jo,
      Thank you so much for your lovely response and interest in my story. I absolutely adore it here in London and if I could have also been a starry eyed 18 year old wandering the cobble stone streets and gazing in awe at the rich historical buildings, I would have. But this is our time now and we utterly adore being here.
      As for your question, we are in Bermondsey. My husband is able to walk to work, situated just behind the Tate.
      The weather has been a fun thing to witness and the snowy days were very pretty but I know it made life tricky for many.
      I do hope you settle well into your more permanent home in Algarve. It sounds lovely there.
      We are here for two years as of last September. Time is already flying…
      I really appreciate your kind wishes about our time here, and yes, thank you to Miriam for this opportunity for sharing stories.
      Thanks again Jo,
      Warm regards from Di 💐

      Liked by 3 people

      1. So you’ve had long enough to feel at home. 🙂 🙂 I don’t know that area so well. I lived in the East End, around Bethnal Green, which is much changed now with the advent of the Docklands Light Rail. I walked everywhere though, because I hadn’t 2 pennies to rub together. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Oh yes, we have Jo. But in all honesty, we made it home from day one.
          I just can’t explain it…
          I’ve seen your borough on the tube and bus signs.
          I walk everywhere too. It’s the best way to get a feel for the city.
          Thanks again 🙋🏻💐

          Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Derrick,
      Thank you so much for reading my post and for adding your warm words.
      We are truly loving all this city, and indeed country, has to share with us wide eyed Australians. We are grateful every day for such an adventure and opportunity.
      Thank you again,
      Warm regards from Di 💐

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Didi, I loved reading your take on London – it’s always refreshing to see a familiar place through the eyes of a first-time visitor! I’m glad you enjoyed the snow this winter – you look snug in your coat and yep, pubs and their fires are sooo cosy! Have a brilliant stay here and lovely to meet you here on Miriam’s blog. 😀

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hello Annika,
      What a lovely message. Thank you so much. I’m touched you enjoyed it and I hope I gave special justice to this city you know well.
      Yes, the snow was quite a treat because we weren’t impacted as far as travel etc.
      Those pubs…very inviting.
      And now we are looking forward to watching the city live through a summer with I’m sure, new things to love about a new season.
      Lovely to meet you too Annika, and thank you again for stopping by.
      Warm regards,
      Di 💐

      Liked by 3 people

  7. Hello dear Miriam,
    You have greatly honoured me by choosing to include my post on your amazing blog. I’m humbled, touched and so, so grateful.
    I loved meeting you in Melbourne and I’m proud we continue this rich friendship from afar…for the time being…
    Much love,
    Di 💐💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww, it was my absolute pleasure to have you write for my blog Di. Such a wonderful post and I’m loving keeping up with you on Insta too. I’m so grateful we met before you left. Thank you again my friend and have a great ‘long’ weekend. Love and hugs xo ❤️🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re wonderful, dear Miriam. Thank you for your kind response, friendship and warm words.
        Until soon, my friend, love and hugs in return…💕🌈

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Loved this post, full of ways to meet new challenges with a plan and an open mind!
    I was born and lived in London for years, on and off, and it is an exciting place to be. Have fun there! (Richmond Park is a pleasant place on a sunny afternoon if you need a bit of greenery and space…)

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Congratulations on your new adventure. London is a dream visit of mine. Someday we’ll go. Many people settle in and hardly try new things I am happy to see you are not one of them.

    One of the finer things in life is discovering something inside of us that wasn’t there before. I have a feeling you are doing just that.

    Enjoy your new town. Best of luck to both of you. Beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello Bryan,
      What a lovely message…thank you so much. I’m touched.
      I’m sure you will make it across the ocean one day if this city is calling you to visit. I hope I’ve given you a taste of things to look forward to.
      Yes, growing out of my comfort zone and ‘running away from Home’ to find ‘me’ in private has been enriching. And I have a feeling you just know what I mean…
      Thank you again for your kind thoughts Bryan.
      Take care,
      Di 💐


  10. Hello Plaidcamper,(I’m sorry but I cannot find your Christian name on your blog)
    thank you so much for your very kind and encouraging thoughts on my piece.
    So you’re a Londoner! I do hope I made you proud to be one through my excitement at being here. It’s called us both for so long and it feels wonderful to be here. It’s certainly a very exciting place.
    Thank you kindly for your recommendation about Richmond Park. May I proudly tell you we have visited a few times already and is becoming one of our favourite Sunday drives. We joined up at Kew Gardens so we can really make a day of it.
    Thank you again. Wishing you well wherever you may be currently.
    Warm regards,
    Di 💐


    1. Hello Carol,
      Thank you for such a lovely response to my post. It means a lot.
      I hope my story will encourage you to never let go of your dream and that they can manifest in ways we could never imagine…🌈
      Wishing you well and thank you again.
      Warm wishes from Di 💐

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Ann,
      Thank you for your very kind thoughts on my post. It means a lot.
      I was very happy to show it’s never too late for our deepest wishes to come true…
      I’m touched it resonated with you.
      Warm regards,
      Di 💐

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Hello Didi and what a wonderful experience – you are living my dream! I love London but more importantly I love your attitude of taking this new life head on and not sitting around wondering what to do with yourself. There is so much to see and do so I will need to check out your Instagram page. Thanks Miriam for introducing Didi and her story x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Sue,
      What a gorgeous comment. Thank you so much for every kind word.
      For so many years I watched others live my dream too. And here it is for real. I hope this story shows that dreams really can come true in ways we cannot ever imagine…
      Hold it gently in your heart Sue and never think it’s too late.
      Thank you for looking up my Instagram.
      If you are over this way in the next year or so please let me know…
      Thank you again,
      Warm regards,
      Di 💐💐

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hello Di I agree that dreams can come true and I look forward to seeing your photos. Yes I will let you know if we every return to the UK. I think we are travelling to Canada/Alaska next year but you never know. Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy your time discovering your new home x

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Aww, Miriam and Di, you are both just so amazing! Di, my heart is bursting for you, I am so thrilled you are enjoying London life with such perspective and acceptance. You and Tony have inspired me, and I often think of you as I figure out the next step in my life. As you know, I am a dreamer, it is a curse really, but one I accept and want to honour. To take the next step, I simply have to be ready and courageous enough to do it – I think I am ready. I am so sorry I am going to miss you next month, Di, but I know it won’t be our only opportunity. Please keep enjoying every moment just as you ar​e now, and know that you are an enormous inspiration. Have a wonderful trip back to Australia next month. Lots of love and a big hug to you…and Miriam!! xo

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello dearest Tanya,
      What an incredibly kind and beautiful message to receive…thank you from the bottom of my heart.
      As you read, I’m a dreamer too and I hoped to be proof that dreams can still come true, even when we can’t see the ‘how’, but just know the ‘feeling’ of it coming true…
      You are ready for it, my friend. You’ve already been there in your heart 💕
      We will catch up one day. We may not see the ‘how’ yet but I’m know it will come. I’m already imagining meeting you in a cute cafe and talking non stop together🙏🏼
      Until then, I’m grateful we keep in touch through the power of the written word…
      Thank you for your kind wishes too about our trip back to Oz.
      All the best and sending love and warm hugs to you too, and of course, Miriam 🌈💜

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Louise,
      Thank you so much for your very warm thoughts about my story. I appreciate them.
      And yes, we are here for two years officially but nothing is certain in the world of business, but we hope….
      We will also make short trips back to Oz for special family events in the meantime.
      I’m thrilled you enjoyed my photos.
      That means a lot.
      Thank you again Louise, and happy adventures to you too 💐💐

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Lovely to meet Diane as someone who moved from Australia to live in a small rural village in England’s south west years ago, I know that feeling of leaving your old self behind and seeing things through new eyes. I really enjoyed this Miriam, thanks for introducing Di to us. 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello Debbie,
      I’m touched and honoured by your lovely message and supportive words.
      Thank you so much. I’m happy my story resonated with yours. Living in a rural village in England from our perspective so far sounds very idyllic. I do trust you are still there and enjoying life in the south west.
      Thank you again,
      Warm regards from me to you 💐💐

      Liked by 1 person

  14. What a lovely post.. Hopefully you’re now experiencing a beautiful sunny day Di. Fabulous photo’s of London and wow – what a brave and inspiring move. Yes – follow your dreams and live the adventures life throws at us.. a great inspiration for us all! xxx

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello Wendy,
      What a beautiful comment. Thank you so much for your very kind thoughts. And yes, we are very much enjoying sunny, warm weather on this, a long weekend in England. It makes the spring richer after experiencing the cold…
      Thank you again, and all the best from me to you 💐💐

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re so very welcome Di. I’m glad you’re enjoying the sun and we have too.. I hope you’re making lots of new friends and if you’re ever in the Manchester area let me know! Gosh – how exciting to be in London for the BIG wedding too.. x

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hello Wendy,
          That’s so kind of you to offer. Thank you very much
          . Hello over there in Manchester 🙋🏻 As I type, we are in York for this Bank holiday so I’m sure you are experiencing the wonderful sunny days we are having.
          I looked at your blog to see if I could find where you live because you sounded ‘local’ when you mentioned the sun…
          I’m meeting people but mostly on my travels around London with lots of short bursts of lovely conversation, which I always love.
          Yes, as for the wedding…and a baby! I’m torn between going to Windsor and not seeing the ceremony or staying home and watching every moment…Hmmm. A very big decision🤔
          Thank you again Wendy. I so appreciate your kindness 💕

          Liked by 1 person

        2. How fab Di and hi from sunny Manchester (I’ve got to keep saying it as we don’t get the chance to say it too often in the North!!). I love York and I’m sure you’ve had a lovely weekend. Yes it’s difficult to know what to do for the best but I’m sure whatever you decide, you’ll be soaking up the atmosphere…
          Lets hope the weather holds out for them!
          We’ll have to catch up and swap thoughts on the wedding. I remember watching Princess Diana’s wedding – we’d just moved into our first house and had to borrow a little black and white portable TV to watch it. How times change and how lucky we are. Enjoy the rest of the BH weekend and the wonderful sunshine xxx

          Liked by 2 people

        3. Hello to you Wendy, one hour and 20 mins by train away! (I looked up how far you are from us while we are up this way). Thank you for your lovely message.
          I’m sure you are soaking up the sunshine this weekend…It’s been beautiful to watch people sun bathe on the lawn in the Museum Gardens opposite our hotel. And to see the garden areas of the pubs crowded with people enjoying life with a glass of something nice in their hand. So yes, thank you, we have had a wonderful weekend. We leave today but after squeezing in more gorgeousness from York.
          Oh Diana’s wedding…Happy memories for you too. I was in my last year of secondary school and I watched it on a little portable telly on the dining room table. No one else wanted to share my excitement so I couldn’t use the ‘big telly’!
          I’ve always loved the royals, especially Diana and I think it will happily. continue with the awesome William and Harry and their partners/families.
          I hope the day will be like Saturday. Wouldn’t that be just perfect?
          We are certainly lucky and so many choices of where to watch the big events.
          Have a happy day Wendy, and thank you again 💐😘

          Liked by 1 person

        4. So near yet so far… We’ll definitely have to meet up at some point!! I’m so glad you enjoyed York – it’s lovely and I’ve been there a few times for business and pleasure over the years. I know – bless them they’ve come through a lot those boys and deserve to be really happy and yes – I hope the sun shines for them and all the people lining the streets to watch them.. Have a brilliant week.

          Liked by 1 person

        5. Thank you so much Wendy. What a lovely reply…💐
          I hope we can too, and wishing you a wonderful week as well 💕


  15. I love your new mantra…Be where you are!!! I’m going to incorporate that into my life!! So happy you are settling in and embracing your new home. I live in the Northeast of America and I live through those “invigorating” winters too…I’ll have to remind myself of that word instead of the ones I use…lol!! Great post Didi…continued happiness to you and your hubby!! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello Deb,
      Please excuse my late reply to your very beautiful message. Thank you so much.
      I’m touched you enjoyed it and found my way of seeing the cold weather as ‘invigorating’ as one that may help you in your cold winters. But I do think yours are much colder, so see how it goes!
      Yes, I think the ‘be where you are’ line is similar to one used in mindfulness I think, but I adapted to a more literal sense…
      We appreciate your very kind wishes about our continued happiness here. I wish you happiness as well, in whatever part of the world this finds you in…
      Warmest wishes,
      Didi 💐😍

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh no worries Didi, your reply is right on time!! I listen to Abraham Hicks all the time….and she/he often says your power is in your now and when I stop and think about what is actually being said it’s so true. And to “be where you are” is also so important…don’t fret about the past or future, if you do you’re missing out on now!!
        Thank you for your kind words too, they put a smile on my face!!
        Wishing you a wonderful week ahead,
        xo ❤


        1. Hello dear Deb, your reply is lovely, and I think we must listen to a similar genre of inspirational people…😍
          Yes, it can be applied to so many situations can’t it…it’s great to have our little reminders.
          I’m happy to think my reply gave you a smile🌼
          Wishing you a very happy new week and until next time,
          💞 Didi


  16. Thanks, Miriam, for welcoming Di to your blog. What a wonderful and honest post, dear Di. And it’s great that you have the chance to share your feelings about the adventure and how it’s opened up your life. Your line about having your heart in two places really resonated with me (as you can probably guess)! It was a big, adventurous move (living in London) and you’re an inspiration to others who may be contemplating doing something similar. 💜

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello dear Kim,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post on Miriam’s wonderful blog. She was so kind to afford me the opportunity to put my thoughts in writing.
      I’m touched by your warm thoughts and yes, I totally understand the being torn between two places would have resonated…
      Wishing you well and all the best in your adventures in living away from home for a while too 🙋🏻💞💞

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    1. Hello Vishal,
      What a lovely treat to read your very kind words about my post. I’m truly honoured they may have resonated with you. Thank you for letting me know…
      Wishing you all the best with your travels and blog.
      Warm regards from Didi 🙋🏻💐

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  17. Hello you two!!!
    First of all…I must admit, I missed some discipline in reading your posts dear Miriam…But as always, those are so inspiring and happy toread that I will get back in line my dear friend!!!

    And hello Didi…(I can’t believe that everyone calls you Didi…Pronounced “Deedee” by the way…HAHAHA!!!). I could read that story about your second life in London over and over as it is so magical and “fairy tale-ish”!!!

    I am glad to know you both ladies!!! Big hugs from Québec!!! XXX XXX

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    1. Bonjour Francois, how lovely to see you here again. I agree with you that Di’s post reads like a beautiful fairy tale. Little wonder as she inspires us so much. Hope you’re well and enjoying a lovely weekend. Big hugs back my friend xx 💕🌸

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      1. AWW!!! Have a wonderful week dear friend!!! Summer is almost there here…And I know that Autumn is happening in Australia right now…Have a great colorful time dear!!!

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        1. Autumn is rapidly turning into winter here Frankie but life is still good. Enjoy that summer warmth my friend. 💕🙂


    2. Bonjour dear Frankie,
      Well…what can I say to give due respect to your beautiful message…
      Firstly, thank you so much. You’ve made my day.
      I am honoured it resonated with you.
      It’s lovely to think it may have been the link between you and Miriam’s beautiful blog again. It was also an honour to be invited to share my thoughts for such an inspiring blogger and writer as Miriam.
      As for my name, I’m introducing myself as that a lot more now, and I hope you remember the credit I gave you in a post for the new name🙏🏼
      I’m very happy and grateful to know you too, kind Frankie.
      Thank you again,
      From Didi 🙋🏻😍💐

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      1. Some people appear and disappear from your life…And some people…Just stay,,,As permanent heartwarming people…You are that loyal and endless friend Didi…Your’s truly….Friend from Québec….Frankie!!XXX

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