My Favourite Place

Why did The Sound of Music come to mind when I read this prompt? It was mum’s favourite movie, cheesy, corny and the songs so annoyingly catchy. However, I have to admit, as a wide eyed girl, I secretly loved it.

mountains near Mitta Mitta

Don’t worry, I’m not going to break into a rendition of My Favourite Things. Instead I thought I’d write a version of My Favourite Places.

I know I’m cheating, it’s plural!

My favourite place is where
there’s peace
and calmness soothes the soul.
My favourite place is where
love rules
accepting of our whole.

My favourite place is where
there’s music
and love is joined in song.
My favourite place is where
joy lives
and we feel that we belong.

My favourite place is where
there’s desire
sparks stir deep inside.
My favourite place is where
there’s hope
knowing we will thrive.

My favourite place is where
there’s laughter
and smiles are a magnet.
My favourite place is where
light reigns
even when darkness envelops.

My favourite place is where
there’s you
whenever you are near.
My favourite place is where
there’s me
embracing all the fear.

My favourite place is in
a hug
and a touch that needs no words.
My favourite place
are thoughts unspoken
though somehow they’re still heard.

My favourite place is where
there’s movement subtle change fills the air.
My favourite place is where
we grow
and life lessons take us there.

My favourite place is where
the outback
quells the storm within.
My favourite place
is where roads meet
colliding hearts unseen.

My favorite place is where
there’s mountains
and flowing rivers run deep.
My favourite place is where
oceans kiss the shoreline
and dreams are ours to keep.

There’s no one favourite place
but all are real
through many years of roaming.
All are favourites
formed in time
a world we’re blessed to live in.

Dreams awakening in the Warburton Redwood Forest
A magical day ends over the Flinders Ranges
Coral and colour collides around Coffin Bay, South Australia
A surreal landscape on the salt lake floor of Lake Hart
The grand majesty of Uluru
The pristine beaches of Wilsons Prom
Me, myself and my two little feet at Arkaroola
You know you’re alive standing underneath Trentham Falls

Many of you have seen these photos before from our travels … from the surreal beauty of Lake Hart, the spiritual awe of Uluru, our magnificent beaches and the awe inspiring mountains of the Flinders Ranges.

They’re all some of my favourite places but they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

How can I possibly name just one? That’s like asking which of my kids I love more or would I prefer my arm or my leg. It’s impossible to answer because I love them all and they’re all a part of me.

My favourite place is wherever I happen to be in the moment and right now it’s home. Ask me next weekend when we’re camped underneath different skies and it’ll probably be somewhere different!

How about you? Do you have a favourite place?

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.

In light and love as we continue the journey.

In response to WPC: My Favourite Place and also sharing for Frank’s TPC: Place

Stay in touch and connect with me on Facebook.

Come check out my new group for like minded travelers
Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

145 thoughts on “My Favourite Place

  1. Oh wow!! Your pictures are outstanding, Mariam!! And every favorite place you named is mine as well. This world is a wonderful place to live in when we SEE the Beauty it holds. GREAT post and I LOVED your poem!! 👏🏼🌸👏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice poem and beautiful photographs. It’s nice to know that they named a waterfall after me 😉 A little more seriously, I’m with you, how in the (big, beautiful) world can someone choose just one little spot to call “favorite?”

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  3. Once again you captured a marvelous array of beauty. You truly live in a beautiful place. But, I think it’s not so much about what is there, rather it’s about what we see. ❤

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  4. Your poem is fantastic Miriam and to have the first photo that follows it one of you standing in what looks like your nest reaching your arms skywards is just superb. I also loved your surreal Lake Hart – in fact all the photos were wonderful. Makes me want to put on my travelling shoes.

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    1. Thanks so much Irene, I’m glad if I could induce a sense of wonderlust in you. That giant bird nest was such a great prop, I couldn’t resist the pose of waking up in it!

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  5. Wonderful words and tremendous photographs to share with us some of your favourite places! Like you said, an impossible choice – but if you’re with good friends and family, and somewhere special, then you can’t go far wrong.
    Small confession: I’ve never seen The Sound of Music…
    Thanks, Miriam, and have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So true PC, it doesn’t really matter where we are so much as who we’re with, though it sure helps to be on a nice beach!
      Gasp! You’ve not seen TSOM. You’ve not lived my friend. 😏 Have a great week yourself.


  6. Did you guy build that giant nest? It’s cool, the least to say. Your Trentham Fall photo reminds me of our reason trip to a National Park where one section is a Ten Falls Loop. We went behind one Fall under a rocky. You travel a lot. What a way to enjoy life. I enjoy your post, Miriam. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No my hub didn’t build the nest, we found it in the forest, which was pretty cool. Waterfalls are amazing aren’t they, especially when we can walk behind them. Thanks Miriam. 💕

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  7. I loved that poem, Miriam! A perfect description of what really makes an favorite place. And the photos of your travels….you have been so lucky to travel the way you have. And we have been lucky that you write about it, and share those photos with your readers. Have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Ann. I do consider myself blessed to have experienced so many amazing places and I’m so happy that I’ve been able to share this with other people, like yourself, who equally appreciate our beautiful world. Hope you have a wonderful week too.

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  8. The Sound of Music is one of my all time favorite movies and the soundtrack is fantastic…so many songs I loved, So Long, Farewell it’s time to say goodnight, I am 16 going on 17 – I used to sing that one all the time…and my Favorite Things was another. Love your Favourite Place poem, it’s quite beautiful, you share many of the same favorite places as I, I love that too!! My favorite pic is of you standing inside that ginormous nest…that’s what it reminds me of…like this huge Tyrannosaurus lives in those woods and that’s her nest! It’s super cool. I love that where you are is your favorite place, isn’t that wonderful. It takes a special person to be able to make any place their favorite place and you are that special person! Well you know where my favorite place is, that’s right here at home, looking out my window at the critters playing. Such an inspirational post as always my lovely lady!! Big Favourite Hugs xo ❤

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    1. Aw Deb, you brought it all back for me, all those classic songs and scenes from the movie. It was great wasn’t it? Again not surprising that we share the same loves. Just like that photo, it’s one of my favourites too and you’re right, it does look like some prehistoric tyrannosauras nest. It was so cool, I still remember it. Well, my equally special friend, I hope you’re having a good evening and enjoying “your” time. Big hugs and chat soon. xo 🦅💕

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      1. Yes it was great!! I always enjoy watching it when it’s on and I always sing along…to everyone’s dismay…lol! Yes my evening is going along pretty well…last night I was doing some creating and one of the things I created was receiving a check in the mail…guess what…I received a check in the mail today. My sister and I went in together on my Mom’s birthday present and she had forgotten to send it…how about that! Baby steps, but I like it! About to do some more creating. Hope you are having a lovely Tuesday!! Give Harry a hug for me. Big hugs and chat soon xo 🙂 ❤

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        1. Yay for creating! How wonderful. Well, I’ve had a super busy morning driving Doug around after his interstate work trip. We have all sorts of issues with his car and we’re supposed to be going away in it this Friday so it’s all systems go trying to get new tyres and parts to get it all fixed. But we’ll get there. In the meantime happy creating Deb. Harry says woof. xo 🙂🐶

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        2. Oh NO!!! I hope you are able to get it all fixed before the weekend!! Yes wasn’t that something, now I’ve been count $100,000 bills up to $1 million, then $2 million, then $3…etc etc…one of our lotteries tonight is worth $440 million…so I played a ticket…I’m sure I’ll win!! Awe hi Harry…have fun this weekend!! Does he bring any dog toys with him to play with on trips? Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday…just got home from my other part-time job a little bit ago, so gonna go find something to eat! Big hugs xo, talk soon!! ❤ 🙂

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        3. Hey Deb, the car’s all fixed. New tyres, new breaks, new rotars. Doug was out under the car at 9pm last night getting it all done. He’s pretty amazing. So yes, it’s busy here but it’s all systems go. Harry’s not coming, dogs aren’t allowed, so he’s going to have his own holiday at the in laws place!
          Wow, good luck with that lottery ticket. I could handle even a small portion of $440 million. 🌈😊 Hope you had a good day. Big winning hugs and talk soon xo 💕


        4. Oh yay that is great news!! Wow Doug is amazing, that was a lot of work to get done. Thanks I’ll be counting my winnings soon, I’ll send you some, better yet I’ll bring it to you!! Have a peaceful sleep, big hugs and talk soon xo 💖

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        5. Well I didn’t win, but no one did so now tonight’s drawing is $502 mil, and I asked for and received the winning numbers!! You’re so kind, thank you for the ice cream and getting the spare bedroom ready. Have a wonderful night’s sleep and a super fun time on your trip. Lotsa love and hugs xo talk real soon. ♥

          Liked by 2 people

        6. Thanks Deb. Whoah, the jackpot is getting higher and higher. I’ll be waiting for the winning Skype call.
          Yes, we’re off tomorrow morning and I’ll probably be off the radar for a few days. Not sure if I’ll have any coverage at all. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. Wishing you much happiness whatever you’re doing. Big hugs and talk when I’m back. xo

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        7. The drawing is actually tonight, I thought it was I’ll Skype you with my winning call when you get back!! Wishing you a wonderful Easter too and have an enchanting time on your trip!! Big hugs and talk soon xo 🌷💖

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        8. I hope you had a wonderful Easter Deb. Here it’s Monday and we’re on our way back into civilisation. It’s been an exciting, adventurous few days but the clean up’s going to be huge once we’re back. Still six hours in the car till we’re home. Talk more soon. Big hugs till then and hope you’re well. xo 🙂


        9. Thanks Miri, I did have a wonderful Easter. Went over to my brother’s and my niece, her husband and their son were there too. It was gray and chilly for a while then the sun came out and the clouds went away. Still chilly though. So happy you had a fun time, wow 6 hours, you’ve got a bit of a drive ahead of you. How did you like swagging it? Oh the two deer were back tonight, I had not seen them since I had bought the deer food, but they were eating it up, it was so awesome to see them again. Well 2 more weeks then tax season will be over. Yay!! I did not win the jackpot, but someone did!!! Have a safe trip home and we’ll talk soon. Big hugs xo ♥

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        10. Glad you had a nice Easter. Sounds very relaxing and how great that your deer are back. Two weeks will fly by Deb then the pressure will be off, something to look forward to. As for us, we’re still on our way home. I’m now in the back seat with Daniel getting in a bit of driving practice with his dad by his side. Gives me a chance to chill out in the back (amidst all the mess). Have got quite a clean up when we get home but that’s ok. Enjoyed swagging it but it’s definitely harder work than being in the van. Still, I’ve got lots of great stories to tell! Hugs xo


        11. Well you should be home now. That was a good idea to give Daniel some more driving experience, sure was plenty of time for it. I look forward to reading and hearing your stories!! Rest up tonight and tackle the cleanup tomorrow!! Wishing you a wonderful night’s sleep. Big hugs xo talk soon. 🌷♥🦌

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  9. OH my goodness this is beautiful! I love the poem. I totally agree, it’s hard to pick a favorite place. It’s easier to pick a favorite feeling for me. I love any place that makes me FEEL vibrantly grateful to be alive. Locally in LA I would say I love hiking at Runyon Canyon or going to a quiet beach in the Pacific Palisades. It’s so beautiful and peaceful.

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  10. That’s such a hard question to answer. So many places, so little time and each place makes you feel different. We met a man a few weeks ago who’d been on the road with his wife for a year. Now they didn’t want to return home to Sydney as their suburb was no longer what it used to be. They were trying to choose a new place to live. Such a difficult decision.

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  11. Oh what an uplifting poem, you took me along with you to all of your favourite places Miriam and I so loved the picture of you with arms wide to the sky in your ‘nest’ of branches. You brought joy to my soul just reading and looking at those amazing views.. Just fabulous..
    Many thanks dearest Miriam for your recent encouraging comments upon my posts apologies Its taken me a while to feel up to answering.. Today I thought it time I crawled out of my cave and what a breath of fresh air you brought my way as you are among the first I am visiting in answering my long held comments in moderation.
    So thank you for your words you left me. I so appreciated them . Tears have been shed as I read them.. So thank you my friend..
    Have a beautiful Easter Weekend..
    Love and Blessings to you and your family and long may you bring us joy and music for our souls to enjoy xxx ❤
    Sue ❤

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    1. Sue, your beautiful words went straight to my heart. I’m touched that you’re so moved and that I’m amongst the first that you’ve replied to. I’m heading off today with my family and friends and will be off the grid for the next few days but I just wanted to acknowledge your beautiful comment. I hope you’re feeling better and rested. May you enjoy the peace and the blessings of the season. Wishing you much love and thank you again for your kindness and supportive words. Hugs xx ❤️

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  12. Oh, Miriam!!! This post, it gave me goosebumps and made me smile so big!! You are such a bundle of love and joy and light, and you make this world a much better place to be. I am so thrilled that I get to witness the magnificence that is you because you add so much happiness to my life. Love the photos, your poem, and who you are. What a great way to kick-start my day! Thanks for being you and sharing it with all of us! Big hug and lots of love!​

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    1. You, my dear Tanya, are far too kind. And you add happiness to my life too don’t ever forget that. I’ve still got wet cheeks from reading your last post. I’m so happy if I could make you smile Tanya. Keep smiling my beautiful friend, you deserve it. Big hugs back xo

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  13. A most beautiful and heartwarming poem sweet Miriam, and as always, your words and photos leave me breathless. My favourite place would have to be wrapped in the arms of someone I love… whether that’s at home or out in nature. Equally, wrapped in the silence and presence of my own existence. Thank you for your touching poetry Miriam 🙏🏻💗🌸 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your words are so beautiful Hayley and wrap me in warmth and love. Thank you, my very special friend and may you always be in a place you love. Enjoy the week ahead. xx 💖

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  14. What a beautiful way to be. Very in the moment. (Something we all should strive for in my opinion)

    My favorite place is at home too…not in this state…in these 4 walls with my family. You could plop these 4 walls pretty much anywhere and I’d feel the same.

    My favorite place to visit will always be Nubble Light in York Maine. It’s the most peaceful place I’ve ever been.

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