Guest Post: Five Fab Favourites (by Deb’s World)

Welcome to the second of my monthly guest posts on bloggers who inspire me to travel widely and live an adventurous life. 

For those of you who don’t know her, meet Deb from Deb’s World, a fellow Aussie blogger I had the pleasure to meet last year. 

In person I found her as warm and enthusiastic as she appears in her writing. Her big smile, easy going personality, and positive approach to life draws you in like you’ve always known her. So, grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy as she shares her world and five of her favourite places.

I’m honoured to be invited to write a guest post for Miriam’s blog.  To me she’s a real travel writing guru, her posts are always full of her personal warmth and she exudes a natural friendliness. Having met her in real life, I can confirm she’s exactly as she sounds when you read her blog.

It took us, the Mathematician and I, a while to get our travel groove on but once we got started there was no holding us back.  And now we’re both retired, well there’s literally nothing stopping us.

Debs Banner

I have to start at the beginning! 

As children we travelled a lot on simple camping trips, towing a trailer with our huge family tent and other equipment.  We mainly stuck to NSW locations, the North Coast where dad’s family lived and a memorable trip to Tasmania when I was 16.

I hadn’t travelled outside of Australia until I was on an ill-fated and ultimately tragic school excursion to Noumea in 1978.  That experience was awful and enough to put me off travel forever but I didn’t let it faze me, although it did take me another 14 years before I left the country again for an overseas trip. (Side-note: I asked Deb about this experience which she shared with me, however the details are very personal and I’ve decided it’s her story to tell. Suffice to say she’s one courageous individual. Miriam)

I remember my father asking me if I was sure I wanted to get married so young, as I was only 19. (He had been 20 years old when he married mum and then he was away in the Australian Navy on and off, for the next 20 years.) He was concerned that I’d had limited experiences and “didn’t I want to travel and see the world?” I told him, I did want to travel and see the world and I would do so with my husband and (subsequent) family. And we have!

Our first family trip overseas was HUGE.  Nothing like easing into it.  We took our three young daughters aged, 3, 6 & 8, on a yearlong teacher exchange to England.  We swapped jobs, cars, houses and lives with an English family for a year. Just think of the logistics involved in doing that, especially in the days before internet and email!  It was a memorable year, with many highs and lows, and nonstop travel experiences.

Since then we have all travelled the world extensively but to my chagrin I had never been to places like the centre of Australia, the South Australian Flinders Ranges, or many other quintessential Australian locales until recently.

I have rectified that in recent years and I offer you my list of my Five Fab Favourite places to visit in Australia. My Adventure and Travel page on my blog lists my favourite posts on most of these areas.

1. Australia’s Red Centre


Uluru and Central Australia was an amazingly beautiful part of the world. It’s called the Red Centre for a good reason – as it’s red and dry and the centre of Australia.  Uluru itself was quite surprising to me – it’s surface wasn’t smooth like I thought it would be; it had a spiritual effect on me which I wasn’t expecting and it was beautiful in every light – sunrise, sunset…it didn’t matter as the light played tricks and kept you watching!

We walked around the base of the rock and also hired bikes and rode around after listening to the ancient stories from the local tour guide.  We also had an amazing time at Kata Tjuta National Park and walked the Valley of the Wind walk twice as we enjoyed it so much! The scenery was breathtaking.

2. Tasmania


Wineglass Bay and Maria Island on the East Coast and the towns on the Wild West coast were my favourites. The history of Tasmania is full of interesting stories and we absorbed as much as we could while walking and cycling.

I wrote a post summarising our trip –  Top 10 posts for two weeks of travel in Tasmania.

3. Adnyamathanha Country


Adnyamathanha Country in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges was an amazing experience. We joined a group walk at Iga Warta for two weeks and were immersed into the Aboriginal culture as we walked down the ancient Frome River following in the footsteps of the local indigenous people.  We were made to feel like family and came away with a whole new respect for their history, culture, rock art and family connections to the land.

One of my favourite posts from this time is Care, Share and Respect

4. Jervis Bay


Located on the South Coast of New South Wales Jervis Bay is a pristine coastal area which boasts the whitest and squeakiest sand in the whole of Australia! Little villages like Huskisson, Vincentia and Hyams Beach are gaining in popularity every year.  We have been visiting this area for most of my life and I never tire of the views, bushwalks, sea, beaches, cycling and lifestyle.

We had a great trip recently with my family taking my father boom-netting off the back of a boat while watching for dolphins and whales!

5. Tumbarumba


My home town of Tumbarumba may be off the beaten track for many but it is a beautiful community with Australia’s highest peak Mt Kosciuszko in our backyard! It is a small rural town in New South Wales, halfway between Sydney and Melbourne.  It’s well worth making the detour off the Hume Highway. (I have to agree. It absolutely is! Miriam)

I hope this whets your appetite for visiting some of the lesser known areas of Australia.  It’s a vast and beautiful country and deserves to be explored!

Our family’s motto is To travel is to live and we try hard to live this way.


Deb's World_logo

You can also follow Deb’s World on social media:

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Thanks Deb for agreeing to be my second guest blogger, for sharing your story and for highlighting these beautiful parts of Australia. There’s so much to love and to explore here.

If you enjoyed her post, please feel free to leave a comment and head across to her blog. I’m sure she’d love to hear from you.

Stay tuned next month as I feature another inspiring blogger from our amazing community.

In light and love as we continue the journey.

Stay in touch and connect with me on Facebook.

Come check out my group for like minded travelers
Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

93 thoughts on “Guest Post: Five Fab Favourites (by Deb’s World)

    1. Me too Deb! Thanks for being such a wonderful guest blogger. I loved the places you wrote about and I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I did. Have a great week. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Great post Miriam and lovely to see Deb as your guest. A very interesting read! One thing Deb didn’t mention is that after almost every trip Deb and/or The Mathematician publish a book on their travels – their collection is really quite extensive!
    It’s lovely to visit Deb’s place, sit on the verandah with a cuppa and flick through their travel books.
    Ask Deb about her New Zealand book – it’s her best ever 😂😂😂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sounds wonderful Sharon. New Zealand’s high on my bucket list. Hopefully one day I’ll visit her in Tumba and get to sit on her verandah to check out those books. 😊

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    2. Thanks for your comment Sharon – we do love making books of our trips and I hope one day Miriam can join us on the verandah for a cuppa and a look through all the books. The Tassie book is still a work in progress!! Your’re a cheeky little sister 🙂

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  2. What an inspirational post Debbie and Miriam – I am now very inspired to return to Australia and check out some of these places (especially Tumbarumba)! Outstanding photos too!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Donna, it’s well worth getting off the beaten track but unfortunately not many people can do that when they visit Australia as they’re usually limited by time. You’re welcome in Tumbarumba any time 🙂 I’m happy to hear you enjoyed my photos too, I love recording our trips by taking photos of the stunning landscapes and then putting them in a book afterwards. It’s been great to be a guest on Miriam’s blog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you Deb for this wonderful travel post and for all info that makes it come alive.
    I won’t comment on them all but would pick the trip “Adnyamathanha Country” ,where you followed the foot steps of the Aborigines. I have read a lot about them and their life and would have loved such a trip.
    Good for you that you set out travelling and experiencing so much that touches deep. Keep going.😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Miriam! I really enjoyed being able to share a few of my favourite places and experiences. You’re right, our time with the Adnyamathanha families was something completely unexpected and one of my all time best experiences. They were generous, inclusive and so full of gentle wisdom – it blew me away. I’m happy to hear you enjoyed reading of our travels., thanks to Miriam for allowing me to be a guest on her very popular blog 🙂

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  4. Debbie, it’s lovely to meet you here on Miriam’s blog. How wonderful and brave to marry at 19 and so happy you got to travel!l Wow! I am impressed with your exchange trip to the UK with the family and the logistics must have been mind-numbing! Oh, all your suggestions are so tempting and I wish I could see them for real. I’ve heard so many talk and write about the spiritual element of seeing Uluru and would love to experience that one day! Happy Travels and so glad you and Miriam have had a chance to meet up.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Annika, it’s great to meet you here too! That trip to UK was an eye opener for us all but it changed our lives, for the better I might add! It was hard work but well worth doing. Uluru was simply amazing and I’d encourage everyone to get out there and experience it for themselves if they can. Happy travels to you too, it’s been great to connect with Miriam and I admire her so much 🙂

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  5. Hi there Miriam…what a brilliant idea to bring in guest posts in your blog..and it turned out Deb’s post makes me wanna jump off my feet and run to the shore of Jervis Bay and the up to the top of the mountians in Tazmania…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the feedback Mich, I’m chuffed if I’ve inspired you to see some of my favourite places 🙂 I agree that it’s a great idea of Miriam’s to being in guests – obviously I approve 🙂

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  6. I’m so thankful I was made highly visual. I love beautiful pictures, especially when they’re scenic. Deb has the 👀 of an 🦅, and I have truly enjoyed adding my imaginary walkabout via her images. The one with the 🌲 🌲 🌲 and the yellow sky behind is one of this fan’s favorite. Gorgeous!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the positive comment Jen, it is much appreciated. I’m just happy my photos and descriptions of my favourite places are so well received, I love sharing my thoughts 🙂 The photo of the trees and yellow sunsetting sky behind is also a favourite of mine – more for the peace I felt at the time I took it. Many thanks 🙂

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  7. Thanks, Deb and Miriam for putting together such an eye-catching piece. Like just about everyone who hasn’t been to Australia yet, we are planning to, and posts like these make the urge stronger and the potential trip longer…until then, keep blogging so we can get a small fix!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Hello you two!! You are both great promoters of Aussie places.Still so many places I haven’t seen here yet either, I will get to the Northern Territory one day. Eons ago when I was an art student we had a drawing and painting trip to the Flinders, it is very special area and very big. Deb, your walking trip there sounded very special. I’m off to the East coast of Tasmania for 8 days with my Mum and sister in the school holidays, looking forward to seeing that coast for the first time. Well done. Louise

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Louise, that trip to the east coast sounds wonderful. Enjoy. Doug and I are planning on doing the Three Capes walking track in September followed by the east coast.
      Deb did a great job here didn’t she? Makes me want to pack up my bags and head off again. Thanks for your lovely comment. xo

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hello back at you Louise! Thanks for your great comment, you’re always so supportive! I love Tasmania and I’m sure you’ll have a great time there. The walking tour was one of the best things I’ve ever done and had a real impact on me in lots of ways. x

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Oh my goodness this was one of the most fascinating posts I have read in a good long while. I’ve always dreamed of traveling to do the very thing you are, Debbie. Yet my life bears witness to a different method of living and that does not include traveling. My eyes were glued to the pictures you posted and I was just in awe of the incredible wildness of Australia and the beauty. Wow, just wow!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this post. And thank you, Mariam, for publishing Debbie’s post here. Bless the both of you!! 💖💖💖

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh what a lovely comment Amy, you’ve really made my day knowing that my post resonated with you. My photos show the true beauty of our country and I’m happy knowing you enjoyed them so much. It was great to be able to share these stories as a guest on Miriam’s blog. She’s so generous and welcoming 🙂 Take care.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Thank you Deb and Miriam. I am glad you fulfilled your travel wishes and have seen the world. Sometimes the best places are on our back doorsteps. I would live to visit Australia and see Uluru and meet my lovely blog friends. 🌼

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you Miriam for sharing Debbie with us what a fascinating read,

    And I can not even begin to see the courage it took to take a year exchanging lives from one country to another with three young children in tow.. Remarkable!.

    Tumbarumba looks stunning, what a beautiful place to live. And I bet when you and Miriam got together you felt you had known each other all your lives. 🙂 I feel both your lively zest for living and living in the now of moments.

    Many thanks for sharing your experiences and beautiful photos… And I am from England, so I hope you also enjoyed our country all be it wetting and colder.. 🙂
    Take care both of you and have a wonderful week ahead..
    Love and Blessings xx ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sue, it was very tough at times when we moved to England for the year but well worth the effort for how it has enriched our lives.

      Tumbarumba is a beautiful little town full of great people. It’s off the beaten track somewhat but it should be a place to visit as it is a hidden gem.

      It felt so weird meeting Miriam because it felt like I already knew her so well. We all got on famously and didn’t stop talking for hours.

      I’m looking forward to our trip to UK in a few months time, hoping summer will be warm 😊.

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      1. I also am hoping our Summer here in England will be warm lol.. We did not get much a Summer last year more rain.. but fingers crossed.. And I am sure you will love your trip to the UK again no matter the weather.. 🙂 Enjoy

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  12. A wonderful blog Debbie, thank you Miriam for sharing this with us all.

    Debbie your pictures are so beautiful and you have made me want to visit all of these places. I have been to Uluru and completely agree with the spiritual affect this incredible place has on you.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Well you’ve been to some amazing places…gorgeous pics too! Wow that teacher exchange must have been quite the experience, I guess it was huge, especially with 3 little ones at that time. I LOVE the name of your hometown, it’s so fun to say…I would say it all day long…although I suppose the newness and fun wears off after hearing it your whole life. Thanks for sharing your some of your life and your journeys!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  14. It’s a good thing to know that these amazing gifts from nature are still well-preserved despite the tourist back and fort’s visit. “to travel is to live”, I loved that motto of yours. Anyhow, thank you for sharing. Looking forward to more of your travel. Good luck.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Tasmania is seemingly custom built for a driving holiday spent shunting between these farm-gate suppliers, boozy cellar doors and niche provides. Tragic stories of the island’s past play out through its haunting, gothic landscape. From wine, beer and food festivals to hot-ticket arts and music events, Tasmania packs a lot of parties into the calendar. Hobart’s photogenic docks play host to many, from Taste of Tasmania over New Year to the heritage glories of the Australian Wooden Boat Festival. Art and culture get their game on during Ten Days on the Island, while winter’s brooding.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How wonderful! You’ve just enticed me to go back Patrick. Mind you, I’ve been to Tassie more than half a dozen times and I plan to return in September but reading your words here makes me want to go even more. Thank you for a great comment.


  16. Hi Miriam! Thank you for showcasing Deb from Deb’s World as she and I are great friends. It is always good to meet fellow Aussie bloggers. Aren’t her photos stunning? I have travelled the world but am guilty of not really seeing much of my own back yard. Now at almost 61 I would like to rectify that and start making some progress on my Aussie Travel Bucket List. Lovely to meet you and I will be following you from now on. Great post Deb!
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Sue, yes Deb is amazing and any friend of hers is a friend of mine! I met her in Melbourne last year and have followed her for ages. Her photos are gorgeous. Hope you get to see a lot more of Australia, there’s a lot to love here. 🙂💕

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  17. Wow it’s so cool that you’ve been to so many places.I’ve hardly ever been out of my hometown lol.This was an awesome guest post,and you have a great blog.Lots of love,keep blogging<3

    Liked by 2 people

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