White Night in Melbourne

I’ve never seen so many people in one place before. Thousands converged in Melbourne’s CBD last Saturday for White Night, a twelve hour celebration of culture and creativity.

We went in by train, with no real plan. Our aim was simply to enjoy a meal, then walk around and soak up the atmosphere of our home city.

Sometimes it’s good to have no huge expectations.

The brochure read that …

“Tonight you will be treated to Liquid Skies, Flaming Serpents, Spacemen, Street Serenades, Dancing Fashionistas, Trains, Flying Books, Electric Eagles, Illuminated Fish, Street Art, Projections and be asked to ponder what if “.

There was so much to see but we didn’t see even a quarter of it.

But were we disappointed? Hell no!

It was a night that showcased and celebrated the streets we walk and the creative flair of our city, Australia’s cultural and musical capital.

Inspired by the international Nuit Blanche movement, which began in Paris, White Night Melbourne, in its sixth year, attracted more than 600,000 people.It’s hard to believe we were part of that, as we walked along city streets, normally lined with cars, but for White Night were for pedestrians only. Up above us on verandas and balconies soulful vocalists and musicans performed their magic.

Buildings along Swanston and Flinders Streets were transformed and illuminated with a kaleidoscope of projections changing the view every few minutes.


Everywhere we walked there were new discoveries, light displays and creativity.

Standing in front of artistic works prompted the imagination.

Some things defied our sense of reality, reminding us there are inspiring possibilities in everything.

But a girl has to eat too!

We had our heart set on Indian and Gaylord Indian Restaurant, Melbourne’s oldest curry house right in the heart of China town fit the bill perfectly.


After dinner the light show continued. The night was still young.

Normally, being the campers and nature lovers that we are, we avoid crowds like these, but there was a controlled and easy flow to the night.

We witnessed planetary attractions that made me think I’d stepped out of this world.

And into another universe.

A world of creativity and discovery … that’s what we found and amongst it was an overriding sense of calm.

That’s what affected me the most about the night. More impressive and illuminating than all the lights and spectacles put together was the vibe.

Amid this wave of people there was a feeling of respect, friendship and connection.

In a world that’s often tarnished by ugly senseless acts a night like this reminds me of the kindness, compassion, creativity and overriding good that exists in this world.

Love and laughter rules, if we let it.

Earlier in the night we’d met Michael and Tonya, who danced with unbridled exuberance to the swinging sounds of the Big Blues Band.

Their smiles and fluid moves seemed to embody the whole feel of the night, a smooth flow and an unspoken acceptance that we’re all in this together.

On the walls of Flinders Street Station illuminated words read “what if you forgive someone today”.

Can you imagine a world full of forgiveness? Where differences could be resolved with empathy and compassion, instead of acts borne from fear and paranoia.

White Night proved that people of all ages and races could come together in peace.

There was no aggression, no pushing or rushing, everyone was there for the same reason, to discover and appreciate the adventure of the night.

If only we could carry this forward every single day.


Maybe we can.

Walking through Melbourne on White Night did need concentration, but with focus it was like wading through a tranquil sea of humanity and it filled me with a sense of hope.

Slow, calm and a steady respect for others always wins the race.

Instead of just being a face in the crowd I felt as though we were a part of something much bigger.

Here’s a short video I’ve put together, in which I’ve tried to capture the mood of the night.

The White Night festivities may be over now but the light and unified love I felt was very real and can live on indefinitely.

That’s what the world needs more of, a collective consciousness of peace and kindness.

As for all the attractions we missed, well, there’s always next year.

Shine on everyone, the world is a beautiful place and it needs you.

Sharing and dedicating this post to: The Utopian Universe: Token of Humanity 
and also sharing for Forgiving Fridays

In light and love as we continue the journey

Stay in touch and connect with me on Facebook.

Come check out my new group for like minded travelers
Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

101 thoughts on “White Night in Melbourne

  1. Loved all the colour and spectacular building projections and lights here. I avoid large crowds, but it was great to read these crowds were happy and respectful – it can be done…
    Thanks, Miriam, a fun post!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. That building that is behind you & Doug, looks very similar to the “doll house” that was in my dream, so does the Muppet one too, actually most of them do, so colorful and all, that’s what it looked like in my dream!! I think that is sooo amazing and the people that were inside it are like the singers in the buildings above. Sooo cool!! What a fabulous event, so creative and so much to see. What a great idea to bring the community together. So happy to hear it had such an ease about it, a friendly atmosphere with everyone enjoying each other, like that dancing couple. What fun. Love your silhouette within that red artwork and your pics are great, thanks for sharing!! Big Bright Hugs xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Debs, thanks for that. Amazing about your dream, you must have tapped into me on that night somehow. Yes, it was very cool and so much fun, you would have loved it. Hope you wake to a fabulous Thursday and also hope your finger tips are getting better! Big hugs from me xo 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I definitely tapped into you while you were there…only explanation! Love it!! Well it’s Thursday night now, I hope you are waking to a glorious Friday…you said you had a big week ahead of you and now here it is Friday…you made it!! Talk soon…Big hugs xo ❤

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Also do a new search for me I think you might have the wrong one…apparently I have setup several over the years…look for the one in which I’m wearing a hat & sunglasses…that’s the one to my laptop…xo Ohhh can’t wait to hear Big hugs xo

          Liked by 2 people

  3. You video added so much life to your already captivating photos. Yes, I could visualize the life and laughter that make the hearts so much lighter. People were walking around with Ohhhs and Ahhhs and appreciated all the creativities. People did feel like they were in the dame world together. Thank you for the great photos and your words, Miriam!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re welcome, Miriam. It reminded me of the night activities in Hong Kong. I remember one friend came from Hong Kong and called me at 11:00 p.m. to do something. I said it was late. She said my night just started…!!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I know, Miriam. We had a family vacation with Mercy, Will, Lynton’s younger sister and her husband. After dinner, we just went to our hotel room when the younger folks didn’t waste anytime for sightseeing at night. I was recovering from cancer anyway! 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

  4. What a lovely thing to be part of, Miriam, and how nicely you’ve brought in this week’s theme. Reminds me a little of the Lumiere event at Durham, with a lovely feeling of wonder and wellbeing on the streets. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. What a blessing to have been part of such a wonderful night. Filled with beauty, light, art and above all – peace and harmony -. Yes, it is possible to reach there but it certainly takes a joint effort.
    As the working day begins and cars fill the pedestrian streets you walked, the stress takes hold.
    Sad but true.
    How do we win over that? Too late to not invent the car.😊 . It is of course the peace inside us that needs to grow. Basically all humans want to feel happy.
    Thank you for this beautiful post.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re right Miriam, it’s not always easy holding onto that peaceful feeling when the bustling working world takes over. But, as you said, it starts inside us. Keep smiling and thank you for your lovely comment. xo 💕

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Hi Miriam, I just have to say what a fantastic post, I really enjoyed reading this, you placed me right there, you look so happy it makes others happy just seeing your happiness, I also have to say a big thank you for your unique way of giving the Token of Humanity a mention, it is very appreciated, take care and have a lovely week ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Fantastic post! I needed a date night….it was kinda like I was with y’all but not the 3rd wheel 😂 I love your attention to detail in your writing. It’s so sweet of you to put this together and share your lovely city with us 💋

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Oh my God. Miriam, this is an amazing post of creativity and discovery. I can’t believe it – I had a dream about Melbourne last night! I think there may be a forgiveness center there. And this question ““what if you forgive someone today” is so outstanding. I’d love to share this post for #ForgivingFridays, if that’s ok with you. I plan to do that tomorrow ❤ If you'd like to link to my latest blog post, that would be lovely. Up to you.

    I am so inspired & I really needed that today because I was feeling hard on myself for a mistake. (So called mistake anyway, as are there ever really errors?) Much blessings of joy and loving to you, Miriam. Looks like you had such fun and enlightenment. Hugs, Debbie xo

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey Debbie, don’t be too hard on yourself, we’re all human and we all make mistakes. And of course you can share this post, I’ve just linked it to your last FF post. So glad you enjoyed it and I’m very happy to contribute it. Thank you for your lovely words here., always appreciated. Hugs to you xo

      Liked by 1 person

  9. What a fun night Miriam! We went last year and I was disappointed not to be able to go again this year. The whole setup is amazing and so much fun. I’m so glad you enjoyed it and felt a sense of calm despite all the people around you. Lovely post.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Nice lights👌It is fun being a tourist in your own city sometimes. It’s Adelaide festival time also known as ‘mad March’ coming up so we will get amongst it next weekend too. Party time 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Miriam, I love this post. It demonstrates what humans can create when we work together with a common vision. “Some things defied our sense of reality, reminding us there are inspiring possibilities in everything.” We need to be reminded of what is possible. The building with the words, “What if you forgave someone today?” was the cherry on top for me. Thank you for sharing. I needed this light in my day.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Ali. It really was a wonderful demonstration of what we can collectively achieve, such a wonderful state of enlightenment. Warmest wishes to you, hope you’re well. x

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Great to hear from you Louise. A lot of people have dropped out of my Reader too. And I’ve noticed a lot of comments I write are disappearing. I agree, very annoying. Hope you’re well. xo

      Liked by 1 person

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