
It’s paradise as I laze on pure white sand on our tiny Maldavian island, sipping a cocktail, with not a care in the world.

In the distance, on the horizon, I see a windsurfer skimming the turquoise waters. It’s actually my newly wed hub and the thought crosses my mind, I wonder if he’ll come back.

He does. Bonus! Languid days are spent island hopping and snorkeling in crystal clear warm waters. They end with luxurious body massages.

Dinner is served nightly by our smiling waiter Moousa, barefoot under the stars, underneath a blazing sunset, the sky golden and as vibrant as a lovers caress.

Okay, wake up girl!

My imagination is working overtime but, hey, a girl’s gotta dream, right?

My honeymoon in the Maldives was a long time ago, 25 years in fact.

In reality I’m sweltering in Melbourne’s scorching heat and my main drink is water with the occasional glass of wine with dinner.

I’m dealing with insurance issues and, as for any massages, well, I have to be content with the occasional neck rub, that’s if I’m able to coerce the other half!

BUT there has been a touch of the exotic in my life too.

The Universe put on a spectacular show last week with the full moon/eclipse taking centre stage. At the same time I released our newest song on my post Planting Dreams.

We’ve also enjoyed some lively social outings, like the glitzy 1920s birthday celebration held by good friends a few weeks ago.

The setting was elaborate, complete with a gala red carpet and curtain, reminiscent of the showbiz set from The Greatest Showman. Dressed in our 1920s attire it was glamorous, colorful and lots of fun.

In reality it’s the small things that make life exotic. We don’t need the island luxuries, the cocktails and the pampered life.

Sure, it’d be nice but, at the end of the day, what matters is what brings us contentment and what makes up the fabric of our life.

The friendships, the laughs, those spontaneous moments of joy, the last minute camping trips, the music, movies and concerts that transport us out of the ‘every day’ into another world, even if only for a short time.

It’s those special times that give our days – and us – that extra internal zing and spark.

We all have them, whether we believe it or not, in our memories and our waking life.

You know the ones, the frothy cappuccinos, the unexpected lunch date with a good friend, the early morning walk and a kind greeting that leads to a chat with a stranger.

Even nature showcases her exotic side at times.

Like the colorful flowers we find and the fruit that hangs on branches, not quite ripe but on its way.

Sometimes the most exotic thing is the anticipation of what’s to come.

The thrill, the planning and the excitement of what’s around the corner.

All of these moments can literally turn our ordinary days into extraordinary ones.

Let’s all find that exotic spark inside us and dare to live the life we desire. Focus on what you’re passionate about.

Don’t let anything hold you back.

Step out of your comfort zone, and try something new today. It might be as simple as wearing a different color, something bold and bright. Or read something completely different.

Remember, the way you feel and the way you think will ultimately determine the life you live.

So, what do you want from life?

Dare to dream it and consider that it might just come true.

Here’s to loving life and enjoying the journey.

Sharing for Frank’s TPC: Exotic

Stay in touch and connect with me on Facebook.

Come check out my new group for like minded travelers
Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

72 thoughts on “Exotic

  1. What a wonderful and uplifting post Miriam. The old saying; I wish I was there , comes to mind. However, it is a different sort of beauty here in the winter month. Fun and beauty doesn’t care though, you can meet friends for a wonderful birthday party with your home a grotto of light and warmth.
    Mind you, I wouldn’t say no to some of those beaches and warmth.:)) dreaming …
    miriam 💃💕

    Liked by 2 people

  2. So much goodness in one post! Truly loved and enjoyed this, Miriam! It made me excited for my day and all the little things that bring me great joy. You are just dazzling in your roaring 20s attire and I fancy that idea of a party! My friend just brought to my attention the greatest showman funny when you see something once you start noticing it pop up more and more ay? 💜💜💜

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Enjoyed this – life is good, if you want it to be. We’ve just had another overnight dump of snow. Not driving today, so it looks pretty, not tropical island exotic, but pretty!
    Thanks, Miriam, and enjoy your day!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh Miriam…I just love your gentle and uplifting posts. They are written so beautifully too, as the writer you are.
    Thank you for these wonderful thoughts again in this post. And I love your message.
    Yes, let us let go of the self imposed rules and wear ALL colours and slip right on out of that restricting comfort zone…
    Thank you my friend 💕🙏🏼💐

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re very welcome Di. And thank you for your always encouraging comments my dear friend, they mean a lot to me. Have a wonderful weekend and yes, here’s to wearing all the colors we love. x 🌹🌈💥💖

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you dear Miriam. Oh and I forgot to make reference to the movie…I’ve been told it’s amazing and one I would love too. So to see your recommendation here makes me know I will…🌈✨✨
        Yes, here’s to brightness and not hiding…
        Hugs and love from me 🙋🏻💜💜

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved the twist this blog post took… from memory/fantasy back to actual day-to-day. I agree that “what matters is what brings us contentment and what makes up the fabric of our life” — especially if in the process of experiencing our own contentment we are not simultaneously ripping apart the fabric of other beings’ lives… Thank you for this wise and soothing essay on gratitude and contentment.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. “It’s actually my newly wed hub and the thought crosses my mind, I wonder if he’ll come back.” that’s hilarious!!! I love your imagination and yes a girl does have to dream…once again we are in sync with our posts!! Love it. It is the simple things that make our lives exotic…and I love sometimes the most exotic thing is the anticipation of what’s to come! And come on….”Dare to dream it and consider that it might just come true.” and I have Think Your Dreams True….uh major goosebumps!!! As always so inspirational and uplifting! Big Exotic Hugs xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yep, we’re aligned again but it doesn’t surprise me any more. I think we have a telepathic line in place across the ocean.
      Haha speaking of which, I actually do remember thinking that about Doug, all those years ago. Funny hey?
      Thanks for the nice words on my post. As always you’re simply the best! Big exotic hugs back soul sista xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think you are right…wait I know you are right!!!
        Ha that’s funny…hehe
        Oh I love your reading your words, they always inspire me and make me stop and think and love your pics too….those flowers are gorgeous!! Hugs my exotic soul sis xo

        Liked by 1 person

  7. The frothy cappuccinos, the unexpected lunch date, the early morning walk and a kind greeting….life’s sweetness is all around us when we open ourselves to it!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I absolutely adore the way you make every little bit of life sparkle with magic, Miriam! My catch phrase, in the first sentence of my life’s mission statement, is to “delight in life.” Whenever I’m troubled, or wishing I was elsewhere or in some easier phase of the day, I remind myself of that phrase. No matter where we are, we can delight. There is beauty and magic all around us.

    Now I don’t have to remind myself all the time. When I’m edgy I just have to go “out an’ about” with Miriam for a reminder from across the globe. 🙂

    Thank you for being the voice of my mission, Miriam!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, I think this is the most beautiful comment I’ve ever received Tom. Thank you so much.
      I love, love, love the catch phrase in your life mission. “To delight in life” sums it all up so beautifully. Thank you again. It’s comments like this that make blogging and sharing my life so very worthwhile. Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. You had me going at the beginning of the post! I was thinking, “Wow, she’s having a great time!” Although the part about a new husband did throw me just a bit…. And you are so right, we all do have those exotic moments in our lives all the time, we just need to recognize them and appreciate them. We also do have it in is to chase our dreams and pursue the kind of life we want. It will never happen if we don’t try! Thanks for the encouragement…it’s appreciated more than you know!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Miriam, what a wonderful post, You already transported me to the exotic. and loved your narration of what we all have in our lives right here, right now..
    You looked loving in your outfit at that party and yes, the Moon also gave us her show.. She timed it perfectly to your own ‘Planting Dreams’.
    Now I would swap your heat now for some of our biting cold wind and snow as the weather here can not make up its mind what to do from one moment to the next.. Alternating between rain, hail and snow.. 😀

    Loved your photos, and sending you a big Cheers! right back.. Have a lovely Sunday 🙂 or it may now already be gone. lol, So have a great new Exotic Week 🙂 ❤ xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What a lovely comment on my slowly disappearing Sunday night. Seems the weather is fickle in all corners of the world. It’s gone from heat here to a coolish Sunday which was very welcome. Hopefully some warmer rays are coming for you as well Sue. Thank you again and hope you have a wonderfully exotic week yourself. Hugs xo ❤️🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I absolutely love your energy! You are magnetic Darling! You look fabulous in that dress! I need this today, your upbeat positivity inspires me 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi MIriam! So much in the post!! You can find the joy in everything! I love daydreaming about travels as well. And guess what– we have a young man from Australia (near Brisbane) living with us for a semester while he finishes seminary. We are enjoying him so much. take care! xo


  13. Oh Miriam, I so love this post! YES, isn’t it the little things that bring us contentment? Beauty? Touch us to love? (That’s part of why I like forgiveness so much ❤ ). You have such an amazing outlook and energy, Miriam. Thank you for sharing your presence on your blog. Truly, it is uplifting and brings me joy and happiness.

    I also love how you started out, that was really funny! 🙂 🙂 And great photos of the birthday party that you went too. Lots of lightness through this whole post.

    Blessings to you Miriam. I'll go have a look on my blog now to see what you commented….thanks for visiting, and you're welcome to contribute to #ForgivingFridays anytime!! Hugs from L.A. and a big smile. Love, Debbie

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww thanks Debbie, I’m so glad you enjoyed this post, it was a lot of fun to put together. You’re always so generous and kind with your words and comments and I really do appreciate it. Hugs and smiles right back atcha my lovely friend. xo 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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