Soulful Sunday #27: Can You Help?

I can’t think of a better way to end my weekend here in Melbourne than to support a fellow blogger, lovely friend and wonderful writer.

Please head over to Hayley’s inspiring and beautiful blog and vote for her book proposal – she’s a talented writer with so much love and inspiration to share and time is ticking for her to gain the votes she needs. Hope you’ll follow the link on her blog and help support her.

Dear Dad

we riseWelcome to my twenty-seventh instalment of ‘Soulful Sundays’. A weekly share where I post a roundup of soulful reflections, each including recipes, songs, quotes, blogs I have read and/or any other inspirational discoveries to sooth the soul.

For me, Sunday’s have become a day of quiet contemplation and simple pleasures. A time to reflect on the week gone by and to consider my hopes and dreams for the week ahead.

My hope is to extend some love outward and to share some simple pleasures with anyone who cares to receive them.

Soul Reflections

So this week I decided to submit an entry to the Hay House Writers Workshop Competition in Sydney. Last year I attended the workshop online and was able to submit a book proposal as part of my participation in the course. Sadly, my book was not selected – however, three very deserving writers were chosen for their beautiful…

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11 thoughts on “Soulful Sunday #27: Can You Help?

  1. Hello dear Miriam,
    I couldn’t be more thrilled than to help be part of someone’s dream…. all voted for. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity. I love her quote at the beginning… what are we here for if not to make life a little easier for others…?? I agree 🙋🏻💕💕

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    1. Thank you so much Di. Why am I not surprised that you’re the first to support and vote for Hayley. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled and so grateful. 💕 Thank you my friend. Can’t wait for our catch up. 🙂

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      1. Oh really, was I Miriam? Funny, because I don’t usually check emails so late but…. mmm not sure why I did this time..🤔 Glad I did though.
        I wish Hayley all the best. Maybe I’ll visit her site and tell her myself.
        Yes, can’t wait to see you too, beautiful 🙋🏻💜

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        1. Oh I will for sure my friend. And yes it is. I’m just figuring out the best way to make the most of it. 🌞. Enjoy your day too 🙋🏻😘

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