When life throws you a Curve

Whoever said life was straight forward would have to be kidding.  From high up in the air to down on the ground there are curves everywhere in our world …

plane to Qld (450x600)

And things don’t always go as planned.  Even up in the sky, when the pilot announces “there’s turbulence ahead so fasten your seat belt.”  Yikes.

That’s when I hold on … and pray.

Sydney curves (800x600)

But we land safely.  And it’s smooth sailing as we cruise past the Sydney Opera House.


Out camping one weekend we hold onto the side as we walk across this curvy trestle bridge

It’s actually very sturdy with strong foundations despite looking like it could tumble any minute.  A bit like my state of mind lately.  I think I’m stronger than I feel.

curves driving (800x597)

Then there are times when we’re faced with obstacles and our true skills are tested.

It takes a real driver to handle the unexpected moments, the challenges and all the curves.

Often how we handle them determines how far we get.

Straight roads do not make skillful drivers – Paulo Coelho

The Road leading to Arkaroola from the Acacia Ridge Walk

I’ve posted this photo of Arkaroola before but I just love the way the road curves.

Looking down from a distance gave us a new perspective on how far we’d walked and where we were going.  Much like in life.

But we move on.  There’s no point standing still.  Life is about taking action.

Dreamworld (800x600)

But sometimes we can have too much and our world gets flipped upside down.  We don’t know which way is up.  And we lose our focus. I know this feeling well.

And not just on these thrill rides at Dreamworld in Queensland.

Parkes (800x600)

But things always slow down.  It’s the rhythm of life.

And our world becomes upright again.

Just like the radio telescope at Parkes.   It makes we wonder what else is out there.

A curved boardwalk (800x600)

I guess I’ll keep searching.  Staying on the path, with all its curves and bends.

Like this boardwalk in my hometown of Sale, leading me somewhere new.

Lighthouse (640x480)

Sometimes the walk is an uphill one but with effort we’re rewarded with magic.

fancy penguin curves (600x800)

Yes, life is beautiful. The places we go and the curvy characters we meet along the way.

Let’s just make the most of every day, regardless of what comes our way.

when life throws you a curve

May we all embrace life and feel strong enough to handle any situation, whatever curve ball is thrown at us.   Stay in the moment and enjoy.

Wishing you a happy and peaceful week ahead as we continue the journey.

This is in response to The Daily Post Photo Challenge – Curves



83 thoughts on “When life throws you a Curve

  1. Love this post and all your images – those curves certainly make for interesting experiences and teach us a lot, even though they can be tough at the time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely post, Miriam. This reminds me of one of my very favorite quotes: “She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.” Elizabeth Edwards. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha Yeah I know the scene 🙂
      As for the pics … the trestle bridge was near Noojee, the pelican was at Tin Can Bay and the lighthouse, well I’m actually not sure, we’ve climbed so many! 🙂


  3. I love that quote about straight roads – oh how true that is!

    Yes, dearheart, you are so much stronger than you know. 🙂 And even if you go the roundabout curvy way, you will get there, and find what it is you’re looking for. This I know.

    Your pictures, as always, take my breath away. 🙂

    xox ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very nice post on handling the curves that life throws at us! And as you point out, event though the path is not straight, we do get where we want to go if we stay on it long enough. Best wishes as you continue your journey!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I know I’ve said it before, probably multiple times, but I love how your blogs are stories and the pictures are characters in that story. Really well done, I love coming here.

    Liked by 2 people

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