Massage anyone?

Who doesn’t love a good massage?  I, for one, am a sucker for a long luxurious back rub. Actually any sort of body rub is good. Foot massage, head rub.  Ask anyone who knows me well. Even a two minute one. Hey, who am I kidding, even a 60 second one!

garfield masage

Call me weird if you will, but for me there is simply nothing better than having my shoulders and back massaged and worries and cares rubbed out of existence (at least temporarily).  Foot rub, heaven. Even a head massage takes me out of this world. So I was particularly looking forward to today.

I’ve had a gift voucher sitting in my kitchen for nearly a year. “When are you gonna use it?” hubby kept saying.  And my reply was always “not now”.  It’s been a pretty full on year and, quite honestly, for most of it a massage was just too much of a pleasure to even contemplate with all the angst going on around me. Didn’t seem right. But I’m moving past that.


Today was finally the day. I finally booked my appointment.

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The minute I stepped inside I knew I was in for a treat. Sumptuous surroundings, a gracious greeting, soft mellow music designed to soothe.

I felt like I’d left the outside world behind.  At least for a little while. Bliss.

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A warm table, soft blankets, scented oils. I think I was already relaxed and half asleep by the time I lay myself face down on the bed.

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For the next hour I surrendered to a state of utter relaxation and bliss while my body enjoyed the pampering it’s been missing.

This is my kind of place.  In fact I think I could live here! I sipped on Lemon Verbena tea afterwards.  I lingered. Then I drank more water. I didn’t really want to leave. But all good things must come to an end. Eventually I said my thanks and goodbyes and floated home.

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Tomorrow night it’s back to trying to cajole hubby into giving me a foot massage while we’re watching TV.  Or maybe my teenage son can give me a shoulder rub. I’ve trained them well!

'We have been together for 22 years. Not bad for a $5 personal ad.'
‘We have been together for 22 years. Not bad for a $5 personal ad.’

Am I the only one who loves massages so much?  Seriously, they are the best form of stress relief, but aside from that they make you feel so, so good. And, really, who doesn’t deserve a bit of self-nurturing?

Personally, I think we all do.



26 thoughts on “Massage anyone?

  1. You know what just now I touched the door of a beauty clinic on my way back home with a mind set to get a hair spa…in a fraction of second I postponed it…Damn. But after reading you i think I ll reconsider it and go back…Sometime we just need a Motivation. Thanks. and the shoulder massage… I am getting greedy…Haha.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I know!! My friends from Australia pop by Malaysia and the moment they see me, they’ll asked is where can they get a massage. Haha. And I was made to bring them there every day of their trip!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I love them too, but am hopeless at organising one for myself! There’s an offer on for massages at the apartments where we are currently staying – must book although not sure I could handle a 90minute one. I’ll either fall asleep or be so relaxed I won’t be able to walk out afterwards!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Most of mine have generally been gift vouchers organised by someone else, which is nice! And yes I know what you mean about falling asleep, today I thought they were going to have to carry me out! So good.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love massages! So much I became licensed in it.
    That placed looked awesome. And you need to not see it as a treat but a necessity in keeping a your er, stuff in order. Go get one every month!! You deserve it. Everyone deserves one.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My husband has a really bad back issue, so I’ve been playing with essential oils for massage therapy to help with his pain. He always falls asleep on me so I know I’ve done well, lol.

    Did they use any essential oils on you for your massage?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes they did. I’m not sure which ones as I was too relaxed to ask but I could smell them. I also use them at home, they’re so good. Hopefully they’ll help your husband with his bad back.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’d even accept a 10 second massage. I adore massage but a foot massage is my nirvana. Yet so many people freak out at the thought of a foot rub. Methinks they are all crazy in the head.


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