About Me

Hi and a big Welcome to my blog.

I’ve always loved exploring, discovering new places and writing about my experiences so it seems natural to be where I am.  Travelling, writing and seeing my stories in print was always a dream of mine.

It took years, many rejections and lots of perseverance, to fulfil my dream, but today I’m thrilled to call myself a full time freelance writer, contributing regularly to a number of well established Australian travel magazines, which you can view here.

Since 2018 I’ve fulfilled another dream of having my own travel column in the well respected Australian travel magazine On the Road.

And then there’s my blog, where you’ve landed.

I’ll take you beyond the ordinary “what to see” and “where to go”. I’ll immerse you in the experience and the feeling of a place. Here you’ll find a combination of travel/adventure/photography and motivational writing. Living authentically, mindfully and enjoying the moments, wherever you might be.

I’ll show you Australia through my eyes. I write with the intention of delving deeper in meaning and messages.

Embracing the light

Today my passion in life is inspiring others to get out and travel and to see the bigger picture.  

As of July 2021 I’ve been travelling the width and breadth of Australia with my wonderful husband Doug, in our Jayco Journey and I’ve been documenting it on the way, through my published magazine stories, through this blog, my own personal journals and through Instagram.

I used to think I was living my dream but now I realise I’m co-creating my reality. At one with the Universe.

After ten months on the road we returned to Victoria and life took on new directions. Along with hubby I worked in the Grampians, discovering a new pace and way of life.


On 11th November 2022, after selling our home of 26 years, the next stage of life began. With both our children grown up and forging their own paths we have officially become empty-nesters. Now we’re full time travellers and I’m embracing this time of change, new possibilities and surrendering to the unknown. This is my time of self-discovery.

I love life and being in alignment with who I am (I’m still discovering that) and my purpose on this earth. I feel as though the past three years has been a huge time of growth, choice and personal transformation. Through all of the unknowns I’m excited to see where the road takes us next.

Loving life as we embrace the unknown.

This is where I’ll share my life, on the road around Australia and in those places I call home. For everywhere is home and adventure is found everywhere, it’s simply how we look at life.

Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to collaborate. Or just drop by and say hello. I’ll always reply.

Happy travels. Here’s to enjoying the journey together.


425 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hey! Pleased to know you.😊 Found a way here through someone’s blog. Now following…so looking forward to explore your blog more.😊🌸🌷
    You know my friend’s name is also Maryam.😀

    Liked by 2 people

        1. Btw, if you have time and if you want to know more about me..,you can check my “about” page.😍😙🌹💜💖😊😊😊💖💖💖💖🌹🌹🌹😍😍
          Thanks in advance.💞

          Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so kind of her. I’m happy to meet you Georgie. I’ve already been across to your blog and I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts too. 🙂


  2. Hi Miriam. just found you in the latest On the road magazine. After reading your first bit in the mag and now your site I just loved it as we go away every second or third weekend with our van. We are in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne and have our van hooked up Thursday night with water food fire wood and drinks. We get home from work Friday night and we are away. I can relate to your stories a lot. Maybe you need to put together a book so we can all read it around a campfire with wine and cheese.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Wayne, thanks so much for looking me up here and great to know that you enjoyed my column. It’s always nice to connect with another Melbournian who loves to travel as much as we do. Great idea about the book too, it’s been on my mind for awhile so stay tuned. Thanks again and happy travelling. Cheers.


  3. Hi Miriam,
    Just found you and your blog…I’ve just retired from teaching and am blogging about this transition and what life looks like now. Remembering that there is a writer inside me has been a happy discovery. I’m looking forward to reading your posts!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Miriam, howya doing?
    Great place to subscribe to.. Fresh content, inspiration, pictures and words. Love’em all. Good to be following some one from Down Under.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hello, thanks for recently commenting on my blog. I thought I’d check out yours. I have also written some articles for magazines, mostly for UK sailing magazines. I’d like to do more but I’ve lost my spark, currently, I must get back to it soon!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hi Miriam,

    I’ve really enjoyed reading through your site. The Yarra Valley article brought back some great memories, as we travelled through Victoria a couple of years ago and spent some great time there, riding the rail trails with our 2 little ones. Definitely need to get back there soon.

    As someone new to the blogging/ website creation world, I’m enjoying finding gems like this. It is giving me some great ideas to improve my little charity walk site- http://www.bighearthike.com.au.

    If you are travelling north soon, head into Forster and try out the walks and the sights around here.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Brian, thanks so much for your comment and happy to hear you enjoyed my post on the Yarra Valley. It’s a fabulous area. I’ll have to check out your site too. I know a little about Forster. It’s also a beautiful part of the world. Cheers.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Miriam, firstly thanks for commenting on my brand new blog! Loved reading about you above. I also also love red wine, good food, music, dancing (when I’ve had too much of the red stuff) and travel. What’s not to love eh! Good luck with the teenagers: Bit of a hard slog but like of lot of things the rewards will come 😊. Look forward to visiting you more in your blog in the future!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Jenny, so great to connect with you here. Sounds like we have a lot in common! Thanks for your lovely words and I look forward to reading and sharing more of our stories in the future. Happy travels my fellow adventurer! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Pleased to know about a traveler sensitive to traveling sustainably and seeking a holistic travel experience instead of reducing an enriching experience called traveling to a mere checklist worth ticking off..!!
    Your profile is inspiring..!! I share the same thoughts and hope to have and share about getting enriched via experience, gathered through traveling sustainably.
    Nice work Madam..!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. well who knew you were here? I’ve read your work in a magazine someone left on a plane and thought oh how I wish that was my life. So very glad you stopped by my ridiculous site.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Nice to meet you, Miriam, I am visiting you from Amy’s Bedlamanddaisie’s blog. I began browsing your beautiful website late last night and I made myself a note to revisit and subscribe to your fun and interesting blog. I appreciate your philosophy and passion for life. “Simple pleasures” and “….turning ordinary moments into extraordinary ones.” I look forward to reading more. Erica

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Erica, nice to meet you too! Always love meeting like minded travellers and writers. Thanks for popping by and for your kind words. Welcome to my blog! Look forward to getting to know you more through our respective blogs. x

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Dear Miriam Blaker,

    Hello! Now that I have taken a good tour of your blog, I can see that you have been a seasoned traveller for some time. What a great achiever you are in what you do, with so much pleasure, confidence and conviction!

    I can also see that my comment here is the very first here in your “About Me” page in 2021. The previous comment was submitted back in Nov 7, 2020. So, I shall make this a very special comment for your lovely page here.

    Did you have a chance to observe and photograph the April super pink moon, which is the very first super moon of 2021 just two days ago on the 27th? What a night it was to look upon the full moon shining upon the landscape in all its grandeur, and to reflect deeply in the moment!

    I would like to resonate with you through my most animation-intensive post presented to you as a courtesy of my dramatic attempt to bring the Full Moon alive, so to speak, in the form of Music Animation with Dynamic Visualization presented in high definition and imbued with a scintillating full moon surrounded by eye-catching astronomical phenomena and stellar activities!

    This post has not only been extended but has also been improved from top to bottom. It is now covered in animations throughout!

    In order to see all of the animations, please make sure that you view the post on my blog and not via the WordPress Reader. Please enjoy to your heart’s content the mixed-media offering of “If My Name Were Moon Tonight…” and its beautifully rendered Music Animation with Dynamic Visualization on the big high-resolution screen of your desktop or laptop computer. Switch the video playback to full-screen mode. The animation starts calmly and will gradually climax.

    Apart from the stylish presentation of my rhyming poem extended with a postlude, there is also the opportunity to savour my own rendition of “Clair de Lune” recorded on the organ.

    The direct link to the post is https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2020/10/10/if-my-name-were-moon-tonight-with-clair-de-lune/

    I am very curious of what you think and look forward to receiving your feedback there.

    Happy May to you soon!

    PS: my last word “soon” rhymes with “moon”. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Sound Eagle (or whatever your real name is) firstly thank you kindly for your very thoughtful “first comment” on my About Me page for 2021.
      Yes, I did notice the beautiful and massive Super Moon a couple of nights ago. In fact it’s still visible here tonight in Melbourne.
      I’ve just finished watching your rather remarkable full moon animation. What a beautiful creation, of soul stirring music and creative dynamic visualisation through your animation. Well done. Thanks so much for sending me the link to If My Name Were Moon Tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
      Happy May to you soon as well too. With best wishes from down under. 😊💫🎵

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dear Miriam,

        I am glad to read your comment here and to know that my post has resonated with you in such a positive and wonderful way.

        Given that your previous comment also pertains to my post entitled “If My Name Were Moon Tonight…with Clair de Lune“, I shall be delighted if you could kindly copy and paste your previous comment to the comment section in my said post, and perhaps add more if you have something extra to convey. Your comment will indeed be a fitting token of your visit of the post and your appreciation of what you experience there. Thank you in anticipation.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Dear Miriam,

          I actually included a new stanza about the pink supermoon not long after your first visit to my said post. You can find the new stanza near the end of my post.

          I look forward to reading your forthcoming comment there. Thank you.


  12. Lovely to read about your great sense of adventure, and great to see you living your dream and doing what you love. We all need to do that, particularly now. Looking forward to more adventures after all this mess is finally over and us lions are born free again! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh Ali, I love your last line. Amen for “us lions to be born free again”. I agree that this is a time for us all to be doing what we love and following our passions. Thanks so much for dropping by. Look forward to more chats in the future. 😊


  13. Hi
    I visited your site. Very nice your interest for travel information. Beautiful write ✍️ you blog. I like. You have good knowledge!


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