Back to the Future Thrills and Spills

“Great Scott Marty.”

“If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour… you’re gonna see some serious shit. ”

So said Doc in the 1985 movie ‘Back to the Future‘. I think my hubby might have thought a similar thing while we were sand driving last weekend

Hitting the tracks

Our Holden Colorado is not quite the DeLorean but it sure felt like it was flying as we bounced over big sand dunes.

This is where we spent our Easter long weekend, in the Wyperfeld National Park and the Big Desert, the third largest National Park in Victoria.

We left our van at home and strapped our new swag on top of the car. At Greenlake in Ararat we met up with the Werribee four wheel drive group, where we became vehicle number 13 in their tagalong convoy on the Border Fence trip. This is without a doubt the best way to explore this vast and remote region.

April marking the corner
April doing her own unique version of marking the corner.


But first we had an art trail to explore. This is creativity on a grand scale, a massive art project looking to the future by reinventing the past.

Starting at Rupanyup the Silo Art Trail stretches like a huge open air gallery for 200kms breathing new life into the tiny farming towns of Rupanyup, Sheephills, Brim, Rosebery, Patchewollock and Lascelles.

These “blink and you’ll miss them” communities have been invigorated since once ordinary wheat silos, now painted by national and international artists, have been transformed into enormous works of art.

Each silo is intricate in its detail and impressive in its depiction of local characters.

It’s a worthwhile trip to add to a mallee touring itinerary.

After our cultural start to the trip our first night camping was at picturesque Lake Lascelles near Hopetoun. Dinner that night was at the local pub, where we got to chill out a bit before hitting the outback.

A swag with a view at Lake Lascelles

Coffee by Lake Lascelles (photo Norm McWilliams)
Coffee anyone? Home comforts overlooking Lake Lascelles. Photo: Norm McWilliam

Then it was time to head into the wilderness and enjoy two days of playing tagalong, crossing sandhills and marking corners on our way to campsites and camp fires along the Milmed Rock Track and the Border Track.

With stops at Snow Drift sand dune and lunch at Wonga Campground our days were full.

Back at home now I can’t help thinking how off road driving correlates to tackling life.

Marking the corner
Yours truly waiting for the next vehicle to catch up

Driving across those sand dunes is a bit like facing life’s ups and downs. We mightn’t be hitting real sand dunes every day but sometimes it can feel like it.  It can feel like we’re navigating corrugations that often knock us off course. Yet somehow when we focus, we get where we’re going.

For our group the focus was the Border fence which runs south across the states of Victoria and South Australia.

We didn’t make it to Billy Bore on the second night, but the alternative campsite at Round Swamp was just as good (except for the pesky bees).

But then we opened the back of the car and what a mess I found.

The spills and perils of sand driving

The Raspberry jam jar had opened and mixed in with sweet potato dip and had gone through everything in our fridge. And so did the barbecue sauce, which the bees particularly loved. Oh, the joys of camping.

But that’s life. A clean up, dinner cooked over the fire and a few drinks and all was right.

On the third day, after more adventurous driving, we made it to Red Bluff Campground.

At Red Bluff Campground
A motley looking group at Red Bluff, dirty, dusty and tired but very happy.

Border Track sign

We always make it to our destination. The important thing is enjoying everything along the way, challenges and all.

Here’s a question, how are you travelling? Are you heading towards your future with gusto?

Strap yourself in and watch this video, our second attempt to cross this particular sand dune.

On our first try we didn’t make it and we had to reverse down to get back up again.

If you don’t succeed the first time try and try again. That was the unspoken motto of the weekend.

And then, on a big sand dune on the last morning, when we’d broken off from the main group, we ran into strife.

There were two tracks going up and we chose the right hand one. However, at the top the track turned and multiple tracks converged. Hesitating, unsure which direction we should take we lost momentum, for just a second, but that was all it took.

There was no going backwards or forwards. Our car was stuck.

There were a few choice words from the other half before the recovery gear came out. Luckily we still had two other vehicles with us and we were pulled out.

It happens. Dramas inevitably arise when we take chances but at least we weren’t alone.

As I said to the hub much later, “it’s all part of the adventure’.

However it wasn’t the only heart stopping moment over the weekend. At one stage I thought I’d lost hub’s phone in the sand dunes (gulp) and then fellow traveller Greg had the roof rack tumble from the top of his car.

It was all hands on deck as we helped him secure it back on top.

I guess that’s what travelling in a convoy is all about.

Adventure is fun, camaraderie is even better and sharing it all with friends, the highs, the mishaps and the memories is the best.

Here’s to living our dreams, planning for new journeys and being willing to take chances.

Life’s one big sandy adventure.  Jump into it and don’t be afraid of what’s over the next hill, wherever that might be.

It’s a vast sandy playground out here.

Expect the unexpected.

Be mindful out on the tracks and take care but always anticipate something great.

There’s a lot of beauty all around us, even in the middle of nowhere.

Sunrise on our second morning as we packed up camp
Snow drift sand dune
Choices we make: to climb or not to climb?

You only live once.

Live loud, love hard, drive with purpose and enjoy the moment.

Here’s another quote by Doc Brown from Back to the Future

Have an awesome amazing April.

Here’s to more exciting future trips and hills that beckon with new adventures on the other side.

Keep seeking out those extraordinary moments and have fun as we navigate this bumpy journey called life.

Till next time, happy traveling.

In light and love.

Stay in touch and connect with me on Facebook.

Come check out my new group for like minded travelers
Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

87 thoughts on “Back to the Future Thrills and Spills

  1. Fab post Miriam! I’m not sure I could do that, I don’t like the slipping and sliding much, but it seems like you had a great time. Your photos are amazing and show the real love you have of the outdoors life. I love the way you liken it to life and you’re quite right we all have ups and downs. My sister was out at the silos at the same time as you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Was she really? Whoah, small world. It was amazing out there, you’re right Deb, both the Silo Art, which was incredible, and the tracks, which were just plain good ole fun. Hope you had a lovely Easter Deb. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so wonderful, Miriam!
    Apart from loving all the grainy details you have shared with us about this amazing adventure of yours, I absolutely loved your attempt in connecting your adventure with Back To The Future, my all-time favorite movie.
    I’m sure it’s your also 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re absolutely right Hammad, in fact I only watched Back to the Future 2 just a couple of weeks ago. So much fun, just like this trip. Hope you’re well. 🙂


  3. I love your life so much, Miriam. This summer, I am going to get out on the weekends and go explore. Every time I see how you have spent your weekend, I am electric with excitement and wish it was me. Well, it can be me!! I love that you don’t waste a moment and treasure every piece of the adventure, good and bad. Thank you for all of the light you bring into this world! xo

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Aww Tanya, thank you my lovely friend! I’m so happy if I’m able to inspire you to get out and explore more. Life’s too short not to grab it by the horns and try new stuff. Go you! xo

      Liked by 2 people

  4. So fun! We camped all over Colorado when we lived there, never in campgrounds, found service or jeep trails; climbing to the top of the tree lines in our trusted 1985 Chevy Blazer. We couldn’t wait for the mornings, best views in the world, because we found them! Home away from home in the woods, deep in nature, dogs running free, breathing deep–okay maybe choking a bit with the altitude–still those were the days! Thank you for the wonderful story and pictures! It brought back great memories!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. So glad this brought back such great memories for you. Sounds like adventure runs in your blood too. What wonderful images you conjured up with your words. Happy travels to you. Enjoy.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. What an adventure! Loved the silos, and the little video. Out here, we get some similar challenges with snow, but I guess, with time, it’s easier to get unstuck when it melts! Camping is the best, but not with bees (and not with your cold box contents all upturned, yikes)
    Thanks, Miriam, really enjoyed this one, with all the stories and excitement – keep taking the interesting roads!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yeah, we could have done without the bees and the upturned sticky spillages but never mind. Bogged in the snow, now that’d be interesting. Have a great weekend ahead PC.


    1. Tell me about it! When I thought I’d lost his phone it was the most stressful five minutes of the entire trip. 😧
      Yes, those silos were amazing. I’d seen a couple before but not on such a grand scale as this.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow, this is great! And right on time for me. I’m climbing up a metaphorical sand dune in my life and I’m getting all sorts of reminders to stay focused and create my new path. Thanks for sharing! Great pictures and videos! 👍🏾👏🏾

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Wow that sure looked like a lot of fun. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Cape Cod but it’s on the east coast of Massachusetts, and it has lots of sand dunes where they have dune buggies and drive the dunes. My sister did it years ago. I’ve been through the dunes, they are fabulous. What fun you guys had!! What a beautiful sunrise and such a serene lake where you stayed the first night. Glad you had help around to pull you out!! Just like life, when you’re in a rut it’s nice to have someone near to pull you out! Hope you had a wonderful Easter my lovely lady…sure looks like it!! Miss you, my time is almost over from working yeah….big hugs and talk soon!! xo ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So nice to hear from you Deb, I’ve missed you. Yeah, we had a great time away and those dunes were lots of fun though I have to admit it was great to come home to a nice, long, hot shower. Ahh, the things we take for granted. Still, I loved getting away. Hope you had a lovely Easter and all your work’s going well. Look forward to chatting when things settle down for you. Big hugs xo 🙂


  8. Wow yet another great looking trip to undertake. I love your opening quote 🙂 I’ve definitely been in situations like that too! The silos look amazing they are absolutely on my to do list. Convoy trips are just the best aren’t they, everyone can feel just that little bit more safe and secure when you are tagging along with a like minded bunch. Well done!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Glenys. And you’re right about being in a convoy. There’s a great sense of security amidst all the adventure and fun. Enjoy those silos in SA when you get there. I’ve no doubt you’ll love them. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope so! Think it’s about time we met and shared that glass of wine. Or even a cuppa. ☕️
      Are you free on the 23rd April? I’m trying to organise a few Melbourne bloggers to get together.


  9. That looks like an exciting time!! We took a Jeep tour through the desert of Aruba. While it wasn’t sandy, it reminds of the wild adventure you’ve shared. You always have a great way of sharing life lessons from your travels. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  10. That looks like so much fun, despite the problems (glad you found that phone!) I’ve never tried driving over sand dunes, but I think I’d like to. And I love the way you use your travel adventures as an example of how to live a fulfilling life! It’s true..there are bumps along the way, but with determination we will not only get where we are going, but mostly enjoy the ride. Thanks for another great post, Miriam!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Ann. I’m glad you enjoyed my off road adventures and yes, trust me, I was mighty glad to find that phone too. Hope you’re well. Have a great week ahead. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I am reflecting on your words and making a plan to head into my week with gusto. Planning some good lunches to bring to work so that I don’t run out of gas on afternoons when the sand shifts and sometimes my wheels get stuck. Thanks Miriam for another great adventure. Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I’ve missed your camping trips! I love your zest for life and your smile that lights up every picture of yours. Thanks for your words of encouragement in every post of yours. Makes me want to look on the bright side of life. 🙂 Beautiful captures of a wonderful weekend getaway. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Cheryl, it really was a great weekend away, dirty, dusty and pretty wild really but so much fun. Great to hear from you my friend and thanks for your kind words. xx 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Goodness, those were some jolts there on that drive! No wonder had a raspberry jam & barbeque sauce stew in the back of your car! lol At least it all came out okay in the wash. 🙂

    Gorgeous views, I’m so happy you had a great time!

    xoxox ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  14. That looks amazing (despite all the mishaps). But I love your positive outlook, drama happens and just keep moving. That’s what makes life interesting! And also that SILO ART! I might have to fly all the way there just to see that, unbelievable! Thanks for sharing, I’ve really never seen anything like it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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