Highlights of Central Queensland

It’s been over a month since we returned from Vietnam. Half way through the year, as the days, weeks and months flow into each other.

After flying back to Queensland, catching up with our daughter and picking up our car and caravan we’ve settled back easily into nomadic life. There’s been a few issues but nothing too dramatic.

We haven’t travelled far. Being in no rush nor on a definitive timeline, life takes us where we need to be, however it’s interesting how water seems to be predominant in our travels lately.

Tannum Sands

The Tannum Sands Discovery Park, right across from the beach, is where we spend our first couple of weeks. It’s close to shops, services, mechanics and the water. The setting is beautiful and at $38 per night we stay longer than we’d originally planned to.

The highlights are daily walks on the foreshore and along the beach. Peacocks are everywhere in the caravan park and, walking along the foreshore we often say gidday to the same people every day. We start to feel like locals.

However it’s the golden sand, the sunshine and the sound of the waves that soothes the spirit.

What is it about waves and the ocean that stirs the senses and carries you to a space of calm. It’s the perfect balance of strength and tranquility, yet it’s never still.

“The sea does not like to be restrained.” — Rick Riordan

There’s something infinitely mysterious about the enormity of the ocean, like another world. It makes me feel small and humble yet there’s a sense of ebb and flow and infinite opportunities within the great unknown.

We meet some lovely people here, including a retired auto electrician by the name of Vic, (his rego is VixFix) a great guy who loves to help people on the road. We meet him two days after Doug puts a call out to the Universe for an auto electrician. Better late than never!

Calliope on the River

After Tannum Sands we head to Calliope, less than half an hour away. We figure there’s no point travelling fast when fuel is so expensive and there’s a perfectly good free riverside camp nearby.

We spend three nights here, there’s lorikeets in the trees and sunny views on the river.

Co-incidentally, or not, we meet up with Vic again and end up sharing a meal with him one night.

The most action comes on the last morning when a young guy takes the wrong track down to the river and gets his car bogged. I get a call from Vic while I’m on the loo (and no, I don’t usually take my phone to the toilet but for some reason that morning I did.)

So it’s Doug to the rescue with his snatch strap, experience and just the right amount of heavy foot!

Upper Stoney Creek

After a couple of days in Rockhampton we head out to Yeppoon and from there another 30kms to Upper Stoney Creek within Byfield National Park.

This place is magical. We discovered it last year on a hot day trip. Back then the turquoise water was cool and refreshing, an oasis in the heat as we enjoyed a barbecue and a dip, vowing we’d come back and stay overnight.

This time we stay five nights, booking our site online through the Queensland National Park website.

Our site is shady and surrounded by lush rainforest and bird life. In the water we see turtles and on land we’re visited by bush turkeys. And kookaburras.

In nature nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. “

On the second last morning Doug gets a mouthful of abuse from the two old (and not so friendly) birds next door, after we run the generator to power up our ailing battery in the van.

Note: it was well after 11am and genies are allowed. As they screeched off in their car, leaning on their horn, we turned the generator off.

Seems even in the great outdoors you can’t please all of the people all of the time.

Still, it’s hard not to smile.

Life is good.

Kookaburras chortle nearby in the trees and every morning our new mate “Kookie” comes by to join us at breakfast time. Even after we finish eating he hangs around. I swear he looks into my eyes and holds my gaze. It feels special.

Mother Nature weaves her magic.

The simple things are the best, good food in the great outdoors, a warm campfire and the company of local forest critters.

Be kind to every kind, not just mankind. “

We even have a goanna saunter by. He might look scary but I reckon he’s less wild than the cranky campers who just left next door lol.

Cooling Down

It’s not as hot as the last time we were here. In fact it’s pretty cool. However the freshwater creek is beautiful and too tempting not to jump in.

So that’s what we do.


Oh boy, do I know I’m alive.

I’m so grateful for this journey that unfolds daily. Taking the plunge to change direction and step into change has lead us to so many magical places.

It’s not always easy and it requires planning and a bit of forethought as to where we’re going next but that’s part of the process.

It’s one of surrender, trust and faith when you choose to live your own way, following a different path.

There’s no right or wrong way to live so long as we do it from a place of love. How wonderful is it that we can each carve out our own version of freedom.

What I especially love is that we’re meeting more and more people who are doing exactly the same thing.

Wherever you are, may your heart be filled with peace, joy and a sense of fun. Follow your bliss and you’ll find your direction.

In love, light and gratitude.

Love is all around

It takes less energy to go with the flow than to make waves. But you will never get very far treading water. Be bold. Be brave. Live your dreams.” Unknown

59 thoughts on “Highlights of Central Queensland

  1. Once we are blessed – as we lucky ones are – with the ability and opportunity to travel in an almost timeless manner, the impatience and intolerance of the majority of most of the human race really hits home. Travel breeds tolerance. Your grumpy neighbours clearly haven’t reached that phase yet. For us, no doubt like you guys, putting a life of “no time to stop and stare” behind us and adopting a more peaceful lifestyle is bliss. And letting the sound and sight of wildlife is one of life’s joys on a daily basis.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so right. Travel does indeed breed tolerance, particularly that slow unencumbered type of travel. So many rush, are impatient to see it all and rarely stop long enough to take in and appreciate their surroundings. We do feel blessed (as I know you both do too) and are grateful for every day and experience. Thanks for your lovely comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yeah, life can be pretty good Miriam!
    Love the photos, great to read you’re enjoying oceanside adventures.
    It’s always strange to me when we run into less than chilled campers – we all have our moments, but if you’re wound up out in nature, well, I don’t know… take a deep breath? At least they moved on!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Life sure is good Adam but I get that we all have our moments too. Still, like you said, if you’re wound up out in nature, it’s not a good thing hey. Yes, breathe in, relax … hope you’re having a good weekend yourself. 😊


  3. Great post and so many beautiful photos, Miriam, especially the ones with animals and the ocean! Having lived on the shores of the wild Atlantic Ocean for six years now, I can say that a day by the beach can do wonders to relieve your stress and anxiety -it’s an amazing way to find inner peace and silence in the ocean’s waves. I’ve always loved how the ocean makes me feel – as waves come in, crash, and then recede again, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, which slows down the brain and helps me to de-stimulate my brain. Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful day 🙂 Greetings from the sunny Sligo 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Aiva, what a wonderful comment. Just reading your descriptive words was relaxing. And you’re quite right, spending any time by the ocean is good for the soul and inner peace. How fortunate and blessed you are to live where you do. Enjoy it all my friend and the weekend too. xx 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Such beautiful tranquility and beauty, Miriam! 😀Life is indeed good and I cherish your wonderful photos and inspiring words. Thank goodness you could help with the truck and shows how you all depend and help each other out – as it should be for all of us. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend, my friend. xx ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Annika, yes it would be a pretty sad world if we couldn’t help each other when we need it. We see it so often on the road, people reaching out to each other, it’s wonderful. Hope you’re well and enjoying a lovely weekend yourself. Big hugs. ❤️ xx


  5. It looks lovely Miriam to be camping and enjoying all these spots near water. Soak up those good vibes! It looks lovely Miriam to be camping and enjoying all these spots near water. Soak up those good vibes! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Summer is coming to our part of the world and your images have left me dreaming…we’ve booked a rustic cabin for a week in late summer and I can hardly wait to experience our own sense of freedom soon…I feel very peaceful after reading your words, Miriam! Thank you so much…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, that sounds wonderful Kim. Enjoy it all. I’m glad my post gave you a bit of a precursor to your summer days. It’s so nice to have something to look forward to. 🧡 xx

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  7. Life camping during the off season is bliss and so is being a fulltime nomad. I can relate to those feelings of freedom. Generators are a much loved (smile) talking point amongst motorhomers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you can relate Suzanne. Bliss is a great word to describe full time travelling. Mind you, there are always moments lol. But generators, well sometimes they’re a Godsend!

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  8. Hi Miriam,

    I did love this.. and your travels always amaze me and entertain!

    Loved this:

    ” I get a call from Vic while I’m on the loo (and no, I don’t usually take my phone to the toilet but for some reason that morning I did.)”

    Keep having fun, going with the flow and enjoying the water however it shows up for you💕

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I love the photos, Miriam! It fascinates me that you get to see all these little creatures on the regular. I’m a little envious! I’d love for a giant lizard to pop by for a visit or for a turtle to swim past me in the water. It’s just so cool! It sounds like you are having a blast and going with the flow. I love it and am thrilled for you guys! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Tanya, you’re going to have to come over and check out these critters for yourself one day! It is pretty cool to be close to wildlife and to feel so immersed in nature. I know you’d love it! Hope all is good and happy with you my friend and life is treating you well. Big hugs xx

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  10. I would love to be living among so much wildlife!! (Even the crabby birds….ha!) You know, I think one of the very few good things that came out of the pandemic was that more and more people realized that they don’t have to live conventionally if they choose not to. It takes effort, of course, but it is also liberating from what I can see. And as you say, “there’s not right or wrong way to live as long as we do it from a place of love.” Those are very wise words, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh absolutely Ann. I’m constantly amazed and inspired by the people we meet, young and old, married and single, with kids and without, people who are choosing to live life differently and on their terms. Life really has changed people’s priorities in the last few years. 🙏

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  11. This post has so many beautiful lines like. How wonderful is it that we can each carve out our own version of freedom.” and “being in no rush nor on a definitive timeline, life takes us where we need to be.” Yes, may me we all continue to have faith, trust, and surrender…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. so enjoyed your home journey again, settling in again to your travelling adventure, wherever it takes you! How wonderful how it’s all unfolding again… trusting and being open to Divine flow❤️ much love🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  13. No doubt you’ve mastered the fun of crossing Wild Cattle Creek! Aren’t the parks around Tannum a treat. Many councils could learn from Gladstone when it comes to parks and gardens. We have friends who live near Byfield and we were thrilled when they first took us to Upper Stoney. Such a beautiful area. Burgers aren’t bad at the general store either 😋. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We didn’t get to try the burgers but we had some great bbqs whilst parked up at Upper Stoney. Really a magical spot. And yeah, the parks and foreshores all around that area are gorgeous, beautifully maintained. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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