I’d rather be … on the road

What is it about endless horizons, wide open roads and big skies that feeds the soul?

We’ve traveled along country highways that stretch and beckon in a timeless landscape that hints of infinite adventures.

Every new road we’ve taken has lead us to, not just amazing destinations, but life changing experiences.

We’ve been side tracked and taken unplanned turns but every direction has offered something new. In fact, often the alternate routes make the journey even more fun than we ever expected.

Life’s all about enjoying those detours and side roads.


It’s been seven months since our epic road trip into the Red Centre of Australia. Would I rather be there again? Probably not. As much as I loved it there are many other places waiting for me to discover.

With the Easter break around the corner I’m looking forward to new adventures on a tagalong off-road trip into Victoria’s outback, the Big Desert National Park.

This time we’ll be leaving the camper behind and roughing it in swags. It’s new territory for me but I’m looking forward to it.

We’ll be venturing onto tracks we’ve not been on before but that’s half the fun of travel.

Perhaps in another life I was a gypsy, as adventure and wonderlust seems to run through my veins. It feels like the possibilities are endless and I never quite know what I’m going to find.

It’s a bit like my inward journey at the moment, and the steps I’m taking to reach my goals. There’s so much of the unknown in front of me and I know I have to stay focused.

Both in terms of my inner and outer world, it feels as though so many untapped jewels are waiting for me to unearth them.

Yet I’ll be honest, sometimes I’m impatient and I wish I was somewhere else but, for now, I’m focusing on where I am and what I have to do.

Here’s a video I made, in which I talk about this.

So where would you rather be? Are you content with where you are or do you yearn to be somewhere else?

Here’s a few of my thoughts on being in the moment …

  • Slowing down is like an invitation to truly feel, see and sense things as they happen. Then we’re grasping the moment. The future will take care of itself and what you’re waiting for will eventually come.
  • When you’re with someone give them your full attention. When someone gives you love, receive it. When you’re eating, feeling, embracing, do it with all of your senses.
  • Look around right now and notice all that surrounds you. There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for, no matter how small. And when we’re grateful, we’re present.
  • Step out in nature, meditate, be with people who uplift you and you won’t want to be anywhere else … living mindfully will be like a breath of fresh air.

Are you doing what you love?  If not, it’s time to start.

Where else would you rather be than right here right now?  Marv Levy

Here’s to those ever changing horizons and looking out for the unpredictable and surprising little joys around every corner.

I absolutely love travelling and being on the road but coming home also helps me appreciate the contrast in life.  How about you?

Wishing you contentment and a grateful heart wherever you are.

Keep enjoying the journey whatever road you’re on.

In love and light.


In response to The Daily Post: WPC: I’d rather be …

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Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

86 thoughts on “I’d rather be … on the road

  1. It’s so true. Life really is about enjoying the detours and side roads, otherwise we’re all bound to miss out on some amazing experiences. Living in the moment, in the right here, right now, is always a good goal. 🙂

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  2. Thank you for another inspiring post! i love being an armchair traveler and seeing glimpses of your country/continent. The only part I feel is missing is an awareness of how the larger web of life (coral reefs, microbiomes in soil, inter-connected webs of life in forests, etc.) may be impacted when one is encouraged (whether you say it or someone famous like Oprah says it) to pursue one’s dreams. If one’s dream, for example, is to race dirt bikes over fragile desert ecosystems, is it truly a wise/blessed undertaking to do this — and in the process rip apart the web of life that exists in a desert in order to pursue one’s personal, all-too-human dream? Maybe it would be healthier for that person (and healthier for their children, and healthier for their children’s children…) to weigh the environmental impact of pursuing a particular dream… and maybe decide to pursue a different dream? Or decide not to pursue any dream at all and simply walk around one’s neighborhood, marveling at being alive in the present moment? Again and again, whether it is economists talking on the radio or politicians blah-blah-blah-ing on TV or wonderful and inspiring visionaries such as the afore-mentioned Oprah Winfrey speaking in front of crowds of fellow human beings, I rarely hear any acknowledgement of the health (or lack thereof) of the larger ecosystems in which all humans beings dwell on planet earth… I certainly don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but I DO want to encourage all of us to be aware of how interconnected — and precious and at times fragile — life is as we dare to pursue our dreams.

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    1. Thank you Will. It’s always good to hear from readers who show care and respect for the environment. I think I can safely say that most people I know have a lot of respect for the environment. Many attractions have eco friendly systems set up to protect our natural treasures so that, as you say, we can “simply walk around one’s neighborhood, marvelling at being alive”. You’re right, life is fragile and precious, as is everything on this planet, and we all have to play our part in preserving it.


  3. Good post! I’m always happy to take a trip, and always happy to get back. We’ve moved about a fair bit, so home is wherever we’re feeling content, and that’s in western Canada for now. I can’t see us moving and living in another country, but you never know – Junior has moved to Scotland for work, so we’ll be heading there at some point (she’s inherited our itinerant genes…)
    It’s not always true, but I think sometimes people move expecting the grass to be greener, and it might be, but you also bring your baggage with you, or it follows you. You’re right to suggest we live in the moment, on the road or at home. Trying to find a balance, and the fun is in the teetering and the rare moments of equilibrium!
    Thanks, Miriam, and I hope your week us going well.

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    1. So well said PC. For me right now while my youngest is finishing school home is home but I know in a couple of years we’ll be hitting the road a lot more. Western Canada looks beautiful from what I’ve seen in your posts. I love walking virtually with you through your snowy hikes.
      Enjoy the moment my friend and have a great week. 🙂


  4. I love this Miriam. I feel like I am on an adventure with you, but you also bring me into a sense of stillness. It was wonderful to stop and think this morning and realize that, in this moment, I am exactly where I want to be. Beautiful post!

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  5. Such a thought-provoking topic and a great message from you on your video. I mean I’d rather be on the road, or on the beach, or in the snow right now, as long my family is with me. And yeah I too am happy with where I am right now – at home with my fam. So I guess I’m I’d be happy anywhere my family is 🙂

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  6. Oh now I know where you are going. What does it mean to rough it in swags? Tents? Hmmm that’s kinda cool…I’d have a memory foam sleeping bag though…hehe. We are where we are, Abraham always says that. Most of me is where I want to be and I’m working toward where the rest of me wants to be. You know, working me wants to be retired me or at least not at a job anymore…looking forward to the freedom of spending days however I desire. That’s the path I’m on. I bet that National Park will be gorgeous…getting into nature is so good for the soul, it’s the best thing we can do for ourselves, it really is. I want to spend more time in it myself…I think with all the various critters visiting me it’s really drawn me in. The most pleasurable part of my day is when I sit at my window and watch them all out there, eating, playing, flying, running…it’s so soothing. Wishing you a fantastic trip and happy new memories to fill your pages of life with!! Big Swag Hugs xo ❤

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    1. Swags are kind of like tents but really it’s just big enough to have a mattress in and to sleep in. We can open up the mesh so that no creeply crawlies get in, yet we’ll be able to see the stars as we’re sleeping. Sounds nice hey? We actually bought a new deluxe swag the other day and it’s a beauty. So comfy but yeah, it’ll still be a different experience to being in our camper, which has everything in it. I’m looking forward to it.
      I know what you meant when you said you’re looking forward to that freedom, you’ll get there Deb, I know you will. In the meantime, how very special that you have all those critters visiting you. Your own fauna park in your very own backyard, love it! Enjoy your nocturnal visitors my lovely friend and we’ll chat soon. Big hugs xo

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      1. Ohhh nice so you are trying your new swag out for the first time, it does sound wonderful to be able to lie there and look at the heavens…it doesn’t get better than that!! Still, did it come with a memory foam mattress??? Lol!! Big starry hugs and talk soon xo 🙂

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        1. Ohhh sleep walking now that’s interesting…be careful though! Thanks again…it really makes me smile!! I’m off to bed now but talk soon!! Great Big Hugs xo 🙂


  7. When I’ve asked myself this question in the past, the first thing that comes to mind is that I want to be on the road, but not to get to any specific place. Rather, I just like the getting there, the travel, or journey. I like moving, and being on the move. Content for me is being on the go. With so much distraction around us, pulling us in many directions (electronics for one), it’s so easy to lose sight of what is important. I like the thought provoking question, and it give me pause. ❤


  8. Hi Miriam, what a fabulously free life you live, traveling everywhere down under..

    Right i would want to be back in Dubai, the uk weather is terrible, easter break more snow predicted it has never been so bad that i recall

    Btw what is/are swags?
    Great post and photos always

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    1. Hi Bella, well I don’t travel all the time, much as it might look like it! But I must admit I love it when we do go camping. Sounds like you’re in the thick of cold weather, brrr, definitely not swagging weather. Sending you some warm sunshine and hugs from here. Oh by the way, a swag is like a portable sleeping tent with a mattress inside, which zips down on each side (so you can see the stars) and then gets rolled up and packed up the next day. They’re pretty cool but I’ll report back after I’ve actually slept in it!!! Thanks again. xo

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  9. I love your video, Miriam. I felt like you were giving me a wonderful pep talk, speaking directly to me! I needed that. I also love your thoughts on being in the moment. Great reminders, thank you! xx

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  10. I wish I could infect my husband with a little of the joy of the open road. 😦 He’s doing jobs this weekend and I’m pretty sure hasn’t got a grand scheme for Easter. Good job I can daydream. (and scheme 🙂 ) Spring this afternoon so I’m off to the garden to write a few Easter cards. Sending hugs!

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    1. Keep daydreaming Jo. He sounds a bit like my hubby was years ago but I’ve managed to infect mine with my wonderlust over the years so there’s always hope! In the meantime enjoy that garden and spring weather of yours. Hugs back 🙂

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  11. I believe we are where we are for a reason and when it’s time the universe lets us know that it’s time to move on. I feel my life changing on a deep level. I am content to be here for the moment, but after last year I really need some time for me. To center and regroup. So, I am planning a road trip to Chanhassen for my birthday. The fun part is that I am taking the long way around. I have wanted to go to Sedona Arizona for years, so I’m heading to the south west first then back up the Rockies and across to Minnesota. I am really looking forward to the time alone.

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    1. That sounds wonderful Sharon. I also agree with you and believe that we are where we are for a reason and that everything that we go through has a lesson for us, even if we can’t see immediately what that is. I hope you enjoy your trip, learning more about yourself and everything along the way.

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  12. I love the wish for contentment and a grateful heart wherever you are. While I do love traveling and miss some places I’ve lived, this commentary keeps coming up in many things I read. How we often think the “grass is greener” or “if only” or “when this happens, then I’ll be happy” and it makes us miss living and enjoying the here and now. My mother always says she thinks she’s part gypsy. Perhaps I inherited some of that. 😉

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    1. You and me both Amy! But I honestly am happy where I am. Dreaming and planning of other places is nice but there’s nothing better than just enjoying where we are. Keep smiling. 🙂 xx

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  13. Oh Miriam, you truly sit well behind the camera with a beautiful nature backdrop. You are a natural! I love your words, you so inspire me my friend and fill my heart with warmth and appreciation for you and all that you bring. Sending you so much love dear Miriam 🙏🏻❤️🌈 xx

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    1. Thank you so much Hayley, that means so much to me. I hope that you’re well and that you and Daley enjoyed a beautiful Easter weekend together. Big hugs and love to you my sweet friend xo ❤️

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      1. We had a wonderful weekend camping with friends near Mount Bogong 😌🏕 nothing like the outdoors and fresh air to get those feel good vibes! Much love to you and yours Miriam 🙏🏻💗💗💙💙🌈 xx

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  14. You SO have the soul of an explorer. Every explorer needs to touch home base, but they also have to just go, explore, experience other places and sounds and colors and smells … you have to discover places. 🙂


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