Ruined Frames

Since starting this blog I’ve become a lot more mindful. Open to the big and little things that I often took for granted. Everywhere I go these days I’m finding the ordinary in the extraordinary.  It’s truly become one of the joys of blogging and so it was for this week’s Daily Post Photo Challenge on Frames.  Looking at the world from a different perspective.


Here’s a snippet of some differently framed perspectives of my big wide country.

Ruined Frames

horse frames in Silverton (600x800)

The ruins of outback Silverton framed these wild horses that grazed peacefully and seemed oblivious to our presence.


In Barmera South Australia we stood looking inside the remains of what was once an outback hotel.

Gregs Ruins in the Flinders (800x600)

These are the Aroona ruins in the Flinders Ranges … if these stone walls could only talk.

Naturally Framed

Remarkable Rock cave at KI (800x600)

How awesome it was to stand inside a cave windblown by centuries of ocean waters, creating their own perspective of the never ending horizon.

KI photos Black Camera 137

And underneath the framed rock formation of Admiral’s Arch we stood and looked out for a colony of seals.

framed int he Otways (800x600)

This framed canopy which Mother Nature naturally endowed upon this path made for an inspiring walk to Triplet Falls in the Otways.

Man made Frames

Looking out at trees (800x600)

Inside rustic buildings we can enjoy the best of both worlds – bringing the outside in.

This photo was taken in a bush hut whilst walking through Mount Cole State Forest. On the inside looking out, great for a cold winter’s day!

In the end it comes down to our perspective and how we see the world.

Framed in ruins (800x600)

Let’s all keep the focus framed on the beauty around us. We’re only limited by our imagination and perspective.

If we keep our eyes wide open there’s extraordinary moments to be found everywhere.

May we all keep enjoying the journey.

In response to The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Frame

88 thoughts on “Ruined Frames

    1. Amazing frames, Miriam. Enjoyed the pictures of different types of frames.
      Jacqueline said very well. Blogging is something that creates ripple in the pool of creativity.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Lovely photos with a poignant message! There really is beauty all around us, but many of us – myself included – take things for granted. One thing I love about Photography is it opens up my mind to new angles and perspectives, much like you’ve shown here. Beautiful 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so true for me. Since I decided to challenge myself to the 365 photos and blogging I have begun to see and experience so much. Just by changing one’s perspective even the tiniest bit the view can be altered dramatically.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, my gosh, those photos were incredible! And I’ve also found that blogging makes me much more mindful of things, and much more aware of what I think and how I feel about what’s going on around me. I guess because I’m deciding whether or not to write about it in a post, and I know I have to gather my thoughts in order to do so? Whatever the reason, I agree with you that it’s an unexpected benefit of blogging! Have a terrific day, Miriam!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your blog is so unique. I follow travel and adventure blogs. Photography blogs as well. Your posts are more the serenity and scenes. Your words and photos always provide a moment of reflection. We should never take our surroundings, loved ones, or lives for granted.

    Loved that photo of the horses within the broken frame. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Another beautiful post, Miriam! And each photograph proved your thought, “Everywhere I go these days I’m finding the ordinary in the extraordinary.” That’s such a deep thought, for even if we live simple lives, there’s so much more we can look towards. 🙂 Have a great week! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Cheryl. And just as I finish writing this I’m going outside into my garden, to dig out more weeds. Again ordinary stuff but looking forward to it. Have a great week yourself. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful images and I can’t agree more, that sometimes nature but itself could create wonderful frames to higlight the sceeneres. Abandined places shaped by the nature are also very much artistic. Truly great places you’ve captured with the camera.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Miriam I love this … I’m with you – let’s see the beauty around us, including in the ordinary day-to-day life. What a gift that is!

    Those natural frame photos are glorious. The cave really took my breath away.

    Sending hugs and love to you my friend xo
    Loving and blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

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